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Ryujin's POV
We arrived at school together walking hand in hand. We looked at each other when we saw I guess new teacher? She seems look upset?. I don't know if she's glaring to me or Yeji, I don't remember I did something wrong.

"Did you do something?" I asked Yeji who's busy on her phone.

"Nothing, why?" She said innocently

We stopped when the new teacher came to us. "Ms. Hwang go to my office at lunch time, bring your parents with you. You have a big problem I don't think your parents can't even fix it" she said seriously

Yeji gulped when she heard it and nodded nervously. I know Yeji is really a good student here, she's a role model. I think this is the first time.

The teacher walked away. I turned to Yeji giving her a look what-did-you-do?

"I don't know, promise I didn't do anything bad that could affect my performance. You know that I'm cautious when it comes to my actions." Yeji said to me as we continue to walk

"Are you sure? Then why she's telling you to go to her office and who is she anyway?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't know promise, her name is Ms. Lee Sunmi our sub teacher in economics also she's the new guidance councilor" she said without looking at me. She's using her phone texting someone.

I began to curious who is she texting so I secretly took a peek but she immediately hide her phone when notice me.

"Yah! Who is that? Are you hiding something from me?" I asked

"It's nothing, come on we'll be late if you continue that. And I can't go with you later at lunch you know the reason right? Just eat well and enjoy the food baby" She said wrapping her arms around me.

"Okay" I simply said with cold voice

Yeji immediately notice it but before she could even speak I stepped inside our room, leaving her behind.

"I love you!" I heard she yelled but I didn't look back. I'm upset, I really don't like it when people are hiding something from me.


Yeji's POV
I feel guilty for not telling her the truth but it's for her. I know she will understand me. My morning class has ended and I received a text from mommy Irene that they're already waiting for me at the office of Ms. Lee.

After I gathered all my things I made my way to Ms. Lee's office. I saw my parents sitting in the chair outside of the office. Mommy Seulgi eating her pringles while my other mommy is clinging to her arm with her head on mommy's Seulgi shoulder. Cute. Since it's lunch time many students are walking in the same hallway, they're looking at my parents, whispering.

"They're cute"

"The other one is look familiar"

"She must be Yeji's mommy? I mean look they're really look like"

"But her mom is already dead right?"

That's when I decided to call their attention.

"Mommies!" I yelled walking towards where they are and gave them a bear hug. We broke our hug, mommy Seulgi is smiling at me like a proud mother same as mommy Irene.

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