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Yeji's POV
The class hour is now over and I'm on my way to Ryujin's room. While walking on the hallway some students greet me and I just smiled in return. I reached her room and saw her waiting outside.

"Ryuddaeng!" I rushed to her and get her bag.

"Let me carry this for you. Let's go?" She just nodded and we walked in silence to the parking lot. I opened the door of the car for her and help her get inside while me I rushed to the other side and went to driver sit. I put our bags at the back and then I started to drive off.

Minutes later we arrived at the place. I looked at Ryujin, nervous can be seen in her that's why I carefully held her hands and pressed it softly.

"Hey, I'm here okay? We can get you home if you want to" I smiled to her, I don't want her to push into this if it will make her uncomfortable.

"It's okay, Let's get this over" she said and give me small smile.

"Okay!" I said cheerfully and led her inside the cafe. I spotted the squad already cause they are so loud. Lia is the one who notice me first, she's smiling to me and waving her hands in the air that got others attention. They are all looking at me now with a teasing smile. I just ignored it.

"Hey Guys! This is Ryujin. Ryujin this is Nayeon unnie, jihyo unnie, Jeongyeon unnie, Lisa unnie, Jennie unnie and this is Lia and this is Yuna" I said as I pointed my fingers to them

"Hello nice to meet you all" Ryujin said and bowed to them. The squad greet her back and show their annoying smiles. Except Yuna, she look like she's not in the mood. I'll just ask her later.

"So you're the Ryujin that Yeji is talking about all day" Lisa unnie said teasing me. I pulled Ryujin to sit with me. Ryujin is in my left while Yuna is in my right. Nayeon unnie keep asking Ryujin about her life. While the other is busy talking to Ryujin, we already ordered our food and it is already served at our table. This cafe is really good so far.

"Hey guys let's eat first okay?" Jihyo unnie said and all of us nodded in agreement.

"Yeji!" Jeongyeon called me I looked at her and she has this teasing smile again, she's up to something.

"Ryujin ah how's Yeji? Is she a being good friend to you?" Jeongyeon asked Ryujin. Ryujin stopped eating and she looked at me then jeongyeon.

"She's great. Even though she's annoying sometimes" she casually said and then she started eating again.

"I see, that's our Hwang Yeji. Pretty annoying as fuck" Lisa unnie said and got scolded by Jihyo unnie. I stuck my tongue out to her.

We finished our food and we are talking about random things. I keep looking at Ryujin from time to time to make sure that she's okay. I can see in her that she's enjoying the squad's company especially Lia. I notice that ever since we arrived I never heard Yuna talking that's why I turned to her, she's busy scrolling to her phone. I held her hand that made her look at me.

"Are you okay? You're not being talkative where's my smiley Yuna?" I said while poking her cheeks but she never smiled.

"Unnie can we talk?" She asked seriously. Okay this is really unusual of her and it's making me feel nervous.

I nodded. Before we go I let Ryujin know first.

"Ryuddaeng, me and Yuna will just talked outside is it okay if I leave you for a moment?" I asked for her permission

"Yeah, don't worry. Go now" she said and I just smiled at her

Me and Yuna are here inside of my car.

"So what are we talking about?" I asked her

"You're friends now with her"the coldness in her voice made me panic. I know she's mad.

"Yeah" I replied slowly

"After what she did to you? After she says those harsh words you still pursue to be her friend." She said furiously looking at me now intently.

"Yuna, you know how I badly want to be her friend. I want to make her happy again. There's nothing wrong with that" I responded trying to hold her hands but she's pushing me.

"She treats you bad Yeji unnie! Why are you so desperate when it comes to her!" Yuna yelled this time and I'm surprise by her sudden outburst.

"You think I'm desperate? I never thought you'll think of me that way Yuna. I thought you'll understand me" I looked at sadly before getting out of the car.

Again thank you for supporting this story!. I'll update tomorrow night!

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