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Yeji's POV
       When I reached her classroom, it was empty. I checked my wrist watch and it's only 3:30 pm, her class will end in four. I get my phone dialed her number.

Ryujin's POV
          I felt my phone vibrated, when I saw the caller I mentally slapped myself for not telling her sooner that my class ended earlier than I thought. I pressed the answer button and place the phone in my ear.

"Where are you?" Yeji asked immediately

"I'm in my classmate house. Sorry I forgot to message you, we have a pair project and it's really occupying my mind. I'm really sorry baby" I said

I know we supposed to have a date now but we need to pass this project before the deadline and it's due three days from now.

"Who's classmate?" She asked

I bite my lower lip in nervousness, I know she'll get jealous when I tell her.

"It's..... um.... it's Heejin" I said

The other line went silent. Ofcourse Yeji knows that Heejin has a really big crush on me until now. I'm aware of that ofcourse cause she confessed to me last year.

"Baby.... Yeddeong?"

I heard her cursed on the other line "damn! why it has to be that girl? You know she's really into you right?" She said irritatedly

"Our professor did the pairings. I swear I tried to change my partner but he won't let me so I had no choice. That's why I had to cancel our dat-"

"So you really cancelled our date just to be with that girl!?" Yeji said angrily

"No... ofcourse not! What I'm saying is I have to finish the project as soon as possible so I don't have reason to stay with her" I said calmly. I know I shouldn't go with Yeji's mood.

"Okay. Send me her address I'll pick you up when you're done" she said in her monotone.

"Okay I will, Yeji, baby... don't be jealous okay? It's you who won my heart, you're the only one I need. They will never get me away from you. I love you so much" I said sweetly hoping that it will ease the jealousy she's feeling.

"I know, take care and I love you too" she said before she hang up that call. I sighed as I began typing the address of Heejin's house and sent it to Yeji. I know she's still mad about it, I'll talked to her later after we finish the project.

"Ryujin~ah everything is okay we can start now." Heejin said

"You know our main goal already, we need to finish this project today. I have a lot things to do" I said in my usual tone

"Don't worry, I'll do my best!" She said grinning to me.

"Cool, let's start now" I said

We start doing our project. This activity is easy for me cause I already do an advance reading about this one so it is not hard to understand this. I divide the task in to two, I give to Heejin the easiest questions while me get the hard questions. When we finished answering the questions we shared and explained it to each other so when we present it in class there will be no problem. I make sure that Heejin understand every sentence that I'm explaining to her, well to be honest she impressed me. She's really good at academics. Right after we finished the task I bid my goodbye to Heejin. I texted Yeji that we're finished already and she quickly replied she's on her way.

"I'm going now Heejin, thank you for cooperating with me to finish the project today" I said and gave her a smile.

"No, thanks to you cause you're my partner. I learned a lot from you. Um is it okay if I take you home?" She asked shyly scratching her nape.

"I'm sorry but you can't, Yeji will fetch me and she'll be here any minute from now" I said continue walking towards the gate. We stopped outside the gate and wait for Yeji, while waiting Heejin telling me stories that make me laugh. I didn't know that she's funny.

"You know what Ryujin? I really like you but if Yeji can make you happy then I'm willing to give you to her. But if she ever hurt you, I'm going to get you whether you like it or not." She said

I smiled to her "No, don't come and get me. It won't make me happy, maybe everyone can make me laugh including you but Yeji is the only one who can make me happy, she's my happy pill." I said

"I understand but can I hug you?" She asked smiling to me. I nodded and she immediately went and hug me.

"Thank you" she muttered

The hug last for a minute until a loud horn was heard that made us both startled. I turn around to see who is it and it's Yeji. She's walking towards to me with a serious face, she hold my hand carefully and opened the door of the shotgun seat. She looked to me signaling to go inside her car which is I quickly obeyed.

Yeji's POV
         I closed the door of the car when Ryujin take the seat. I glared at Heejin while she's smirking to me. Let's see if you can still smile if I punch your face i thought I really want to erase that smirked on her lips cause it's really annoying me. But no, I can't do that. Not when Ryujin is here.

"Yeji-ssi don't you ever hurt her because if you do I will come and steal her away from you. Be careful, in just one mistake she'll be mine" she said seriously while glaring to me.

I intensely glared at her before I smirked "Don't worry I know very well how to value what's mine. You can stop now cause you will never have her, her body, her heart and her soul belongs to me. She's mine" I said before I went inside the car and start the engine, speed off.

The trip was silent, she's quiet. I kept glancing at her but her eyes were fixed in the window car, watching the city lights. I shouldn't be mad to her, it's not her fault that a lot of people admired and love her. She's Shin Ryujin after all, the great dancer and music prodigy. She have this beautiful face that everyone loves to stare. And most of all she's really kind and that's what makes me fall inlove with her.

We arrived at her house, I guide her from getting out of the car. I carry her things and opened the door of her house for her. We went inside and I put her things in coffee table on her living room. We're standing infront of each other not speaking. I decided to break the silence but she beat me to it.

"I'm sorry" she said lowering her head, looking on the floor.

"I'm really sor—" she didn't finished her words when I grabbed her by the waist and hug her tightly. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry baby, I let my jealousy won my mind. I'm just afraid to lose you. I can't promise that I will never get jealous again but I will control it. I'm sorry" I said before planting kisses on her temple. She slowly pulled out from the hug, Ryujin looked at me and show me her smile.

"Yeji, I love you, you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I can see my future in you, getting married, having a kids and grow old together. Please don't doubt my love for you. You have a big part in my heart that no one can replace. We all get jealous but sometimes it can ruin a relationship and I don't want that to happen to us." She said tucking some hair behind my ear.

"I know, I promise it won't happen again" I said

My left hand left her waist for a moment to do a pinky swear.

"Promise?" She asked as she placed her pinky finger with mine

"Promise" I said locking our finger.

"Can I spend the night with my girl?" I asked putting my hand again in her waist.

"Ofcourse you can, you dummy" she said then give me peck on my lips.

I'm really I broke my promise. My phone got confiscated and I just got it earlier.

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