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Yeji's POV
      Christmas break is over and we are now back to school. I woke up early to fetch Ryujin, I used my corvette, the one that my mommies gave to me as present on christmas eve. I stopped my car in front of Ryujin's house, I saw her waiting on her gate. I went outside of my car and go to her.

She immediately hug me and I hug her back. "I miss you so much" she said burying her face in my neck.

"I miss you too baby, as much as I want to stay like this I can't, we can't. We're going to be late baby. We can spend time together after class okay?" I said and gave her smile. But she's pouting so I kissed her in the lips just peck.

"Uwu I don't want to go to school today, I just want to cuddle with you all day" she honestly said that make me chuckle.

"I want that too but we can't. We have grades needs to maintain. I'll take you out on the date later okay?" I said trying to push her to go to school. Luckily I manage to do that.

"Okay" she simply said. She pulled out from hug and kiss me in my cheeks. I opened the door for her and close it after she sat in the seat, I went to the driver seat and started the car. The whole trip was silent but wasn't awkward at all. We arrived at the school just in time.

As we get outside of the car, yuchaelia is already waiting for us.

"Finally you're here! We have a news for you two" Lia said as if she's excited

"What?" we asked in unison, we looked at each other and smile.

"We got new transferee" Lia said

"And?" Ryujin asked wearing her poker face "Whoever is that I'm not interested" she said.

"Maybe you're not but I'm sure Yeji will" Chaeryeong said and this time Ryujin furrowed her eyebrow and glared at me. Oh my goodness, jealous Ryujin is really scary.

"Wonyoung is the transferee, Yeji's first crush" Yuna said. It's time to take action.

"She's just my crush before okay? It's because she's really beautiful back then" I said but I was interrupted when Ryujin started to walked away. I looked at them and knowing that they purposely do that. I glared to them before I followed Ryujin. I grab her wrist that made her turn to look at me.

"Hey, don't be jealous. You're the only one that I love until my very last breath. You're my present now so don't worry. No one can ever take you away from me." I said and she blushed.

She tried to hide it with her hands but I hold it and interlocked our fingers. Perfectly fit that made me think that our hands was made to hold each other.

"I love you so much, so much!" I said almost yelled but she stopped me.

"Okay I love you too okay? Stop that it's embarrassing" she said clinging to my arm.

"Okay okay, you're cute" I said and pinched her cheeks. She then showed me her whiskered dimples that I always loves to see.

I walked to her to their classroom and after that I went to my room.

Ryujin's POV
    Our professor came with a student behind him. She must be Wonyoung, this girl is really pretty now I know why Yeji had a crush on her.

"Class, you have new classmate. Please introduce yourself" Mr. Park said

The girl flashed her beautiful smile that made everyone look at her in awe but not me. She maybe perfect in everyone's eyes but for me she's a threat. I trust Yeji, I know she will never hurt me. She loves me. Yes Yeji loves you so much Ryujin so stop overthinking.

"Hello everyone I'm Jang Wonyoung! Please take care of me" she said bowing slightly.

"Ms. Jang please have a sit with Ms. Shin. Ms. Shin please raise your hand" the professor said so I raise my hand. Wonyoung went beside me and sit on her respective chair.

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