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Ryujin woke up when she heard faint noises. She's tired and it can be seen all over her face, the dark eye bag under her eyes. Baby Minju has change her sleeping schedule, she's asleep during day time and awake during night time while baby Minjae is still the same. The twins is at their 6th months already, they are adorable and healthy babies. Yeji insist to get a nanny for the babies but her wife refused the idea.

"I want to be hands-on on them Hon, I don't want to miss any single details of them growing up. I want myself to discover it before other people. And I'm sure you want it too" That's what Ryujin says to Yeji so she just agree to her wife.

Even though it's really tiring Ryujin when she saw the smiles in their child lips, all her tiredness she felt before flew away and make her energize again.

Yeji noticed that baby Minju is sleeping beside her wife. Suddenly, baby Minju cried Yeji immediately carried her daughter with full of care. She picked the bottle filled with milk and place it on baby Minju's mouth, the baby quickly suck the milk and start to drink the milk.

"You're so hungry huh?" Yeji chuckled as she saw her daughter finish her milk in just minutes.

If there's a thing that she can do perfectly, that is making her babies laugh.

Yeji do the peek a boo then tickling Baby Minju that made the baby laugh so hard and loud. She immediately stop and give her daughter a shh sign.

"Baby, we need to keep quiet okay? Your mommy is tired cause you kept her up all night. Let's gave her a peaceful sleep." Yeji says but the baby didn't seemed to agree with her. The baby cried loudly that make Yeji panic

"Shhh.... baby... I'm sorry! please stop.. you're going wake up your mom" she said in her low voice almost whispering but the baby didn't care at all instead she cried louder than already it is.

Ryujin chuckled silently as she saw Yeji trying her best to make their daughter stop from crying. She knew it needed to stop before the other baby wake up too. "Hon..." she called but Yeji didn't hear her "Yeji" she called again and this time it's louder. Yeji turned to look at her and gave her an apologetic smile. She went to Ryujin passing the baby to her, Yeji then take a seat beside her wife who's currently breastfeeding her daughter.

"I'm so sorry Hon, I didn't meant to make her cry. I just want you to have a nice sleep but I think she don't like it, you must having a good time together everytime she woke up in the middle of the night."

"it's okay, I'm used to this and it will be only for weeks after that she will go back to her proper sleeping time" Ryujin said assuring her wife.

"I'm sorry if sometimes I couldn't helped you"

"I understand, you're running two companies and I'm a bad wife if I won't let you rest. I told you many times that I can handle them, Mama Irene is helping me sometimes"

"You're not and you will never be. We are in this together, I promised to take care of you and our kids"

"Yes, I know. Good thing Daddy Jim let Hyunjin to take over his company"

"Just tell me if you can't anymore okay? then we will get them nanny" Yeji said while holding her wife free hand.

"I will" Ryujin smiled


8 years later....

"Minjae! Look at this flowers they're all so beautiful" Little Minju said while adoring the flowers. She wanted to pick the flower but afraid that the flower will die if she do that thing. Minjae went to her and look at the flower too. He smiled playfully when idea come to his mind, "Yeah, they are. Luckily they are not ugly as you" he said to teased her sister.

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