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The couple went to starbucks quickly after they received a message from Lia. They saw their friend sitting in one of chair near the window while scrolling in her phone.

They approached the short girl "Lia unnie!" Yuna excitedly said as she hurried went to Lia and hug her tightly.

Lia laugh at Yuna's actions and hugged her back "You miss me so much?"

"Ofcourse, we're busy and finally you agreed to bond with us again"

"You know our company is getting bigger and so as the works but it's a good thing" Lia said as she take a sit

"What's your order guys? I'll order it, my treat" Yuna's girlfriend said

"Strawberry Frappuccino Blended beverage" Lia said

"You know what I like to order love" Yuna said then giving her girlfriend a smile.

"Noted" the girl walked away and go to the counter leaving the two behind.

"So how's life?" Lia started

"It's good unnie, we're good"

"Careful Yuna, I don't want to see you broke again"

"She will never hurt me like Chaeryeong did"

"She won't but the truth will"

"Unnie, she's mine now, Yeji is no longer hers" Yuna firmly said

"You knew that if she came back and Yeji still feel the same way with her you need give up. Maybe her brain forgot Ryujin but her heart will never" the statement of Lia make Yuna silent.

She knew that perfectly, she witnessed  how much Yeji loves Ryujin so much.

"If that so then I will let her go" Yuna said in defeat. She don't want to argue with Lia anymore knowing she will only lose in the end.

"Here's your order girls! Here's yours Lia and Love this is yours" Yeji handed them the drinks and sit beside Yuna.

"So what are you guys talking about?" Yeji asked before taking a sip on her drink.

"Nothing, I just asked Yuna how ugly you are" Lia bluntly said

"Yah! I'm not ugly!"

"You are"

"No , I'm not!"

"Yuna is ugly"

"I agree w—ouch" Yeji groaned when Yuna smacked her.

"I'm just kidding love hehe you're the most beautiful girl in my world" Yeji said rubbing her skin where Yuna hit her.


"Nah you're like that cause you don't have boyfriend yet" Yeji said teasing the shorter girl

"I'm happy alone, I don't need one. I have you guys, you're enough for me. Anyways where are we going?"

"Arcade!" Yeji excitedly exclaimed

"We're young adults now Yeji and not teenagers anymore" Lia said


"Aren't you tired playing in the same arcade for the last 10 years? If you're not then I am" Lia said

Yeji pouted "yeah right, you guys have plans?"

"I want to go shopping" Lia and Yuna said in unison. They looked at each other then laugh.

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