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Yeji's POV
It's been a week since the argument happened. Me and Ryujin are getting closer to each other as days goes by. She gave me her phone number and now we are textmates hihihi. Lia is with me right now heading to our next class which is Economics. Since we still have time we decided to stop at our lockers to put our books from the last subject we had. I saw Ryujin is there also putting her extra clothes I guess it's the PE day today and there's also Yuna, it's been a week since I saw her and I'm still thinking why is she acting like that all of a sudden. Did she really hate Ryujin that much?. The two look at our direction but Yuna looked away first and returned her attention to her locker.

We are in front of our locker. I opened mine and started to put the books.

"Hi Lia unnie" She only greet Lia and not me. That makes me sad even more. I miss her so much but nevermind.

"Hey there Yuna, what are you doing here?" Lia asked her while opening the locker and once she opened it she immediately put the books inside and lock her locker again.

"Getting my Genmath book" she simply said

I take a glance on her only to see that she's closing her locker already and ready to go.

"I'll go now unnie see you later" And with that she walked away. I released a heavy sighed

"Bye Yuna! Take care!" Lia said while looking at me sadly. I already told her what happened on the car, she said I need to talk to Yuna as soon as possible.

"I see,You two still not okay" I heard Ryujin said I turned to her look at her sadly.

"Yeah" I sadly said

"Hey, everything will be alright okay? Just talk to her. I need to go now I hope you two will be okay soon" ryujin said and then she left

"Ryujin is right Yeji, just talk to her. You know how much she loves you, she just don't want you getting hurt" Lia said while patting my back

"I know, let's go now" I will talk to her later.

What's taking her so long? She's supposed to be here now. It's already 4:30 pm and her class ended like an hour ago. I'm about to call her when I saw her talking to Lia. Finally.

"Yeji, where's Ryujin? You're not taking her home?" Lia asked and Yuna's eyes are looking on the floor like it is the most precious thing in the world.

"She's with chaeryoung right now, helping her in Math. And I already told her that I'm talking to someone today" I replied while looking at Yuna. Lia gets it easily because I saw her smiling widely in my peripheral vision.

"Oh yeah, Yuna ah I have to go now. And Yeji please take her home" Lia said and then run away before Yuna can protest.

"Yah Lia Unnie! Wait for me!" Yuna yelled she's about to follow her but I held her wrist to prevent it.

"Yuna, let's talk" I interlocked our fingers  and we walked in hand in hand going to parking lot. We go inside my car and drove off to the place where we can talk in peace. We went to the beach, I help go out of the car and led her in one of the rocks. This beach isn't famous yet so there's only few people going here.

We are just standing looking how the the sun sets down. It's beautiful.

"I'm sorry" Yuna mumbled with her head hang lowly. I held her chin so I can see her face.

"I'm sorry for acting that way and for saying those things. I just don't want you to get hurt" she added while tears starting to rolled down to her cheeks. I wipe it with my hand and hug her, she quickly hug me back.

"And Also I'm sorry Yuna, for letting my pride took over me. She's a good person, just give yourself time to know her. She did those things before because she's afraid that I might hurt her. She's just protecting herself because no one will" I said while caressing her hair. Her face is on the crook of my neck and my uniform is wet already due to her tears. I back out from the hug and wipe her tears again.

"You're such a baby, stop crying now baby. Where's my smiley Yuna?" She smiled at me now with her remarkable gummy smile. A genuine one.

"We're good now okay?" I wrapped my arms around her slim waist

"Ne" she hug me and I hugged her back

"I have something to tell you unnie" Yuna said that make me look at her

"What is it?" I curiously asked

"I—" she's about to say it but my phone rang. Ryujin texted me saying that she got home already, she and chaeryoung will having a sleepover since it 's friday. I'll reply to her later. I turned to Yuna again.

"I'm sorry, what are you saying Yuna" asking her again

"Nothing, I just want to say that I'm happy we're okay now" she said and held my hands. An idea came to my mind.

"Since it's friday how about we sleepover at your house?" I said I saw how Yuna smile widely when she heard those words. The last time we had sleepover is 4 months ago, I guess acads make us busy.

"That'll be great since mom and dad is in the states and I'm alone" Yuna exclaimed, I just pinch her cheeks. We decided to stay a bit longer and watch the sun until it's gone from our sight.

I find myself watching movie "Frozen too with Yuna. Told ya she's still a baby. Her head is in my shoulder while eating popcorns. I'm just looking at her the whole time. Her side profile is beautiful, whoever will be her boyfriend he's lucky since Yuna is a caring and loving person. The movie just ended and I heard Yuna yawn, no wonder why she's sleepy it's already 11:37 pm.

"I wonder why Elsa still don't have a boyfriend on this movie" Yuna said looking at me cutely. I chuckled

"For Elsa, her family is enough already. Maybe she will have on part 3. Let's sleep now, you look sleepy now" I said while pulling her towards her room.

"Unnie, you're leaving tomorrow morning when I wake up so let's do the things we like"

"I'm going to spend my weekend with you okay? So let's sleep now" I'm about to lay on her bed when she hugged me behind while giggling.

"Thank youuu. It means a lot to me unnie" Yuna said while burying her face on my nape and it tickles me. I just chuckled at her actions, she's still our baby.

Once we laid on the bed, Yuna and I cuddled together. She's resting her head on my chest and her arms are wrapped around waist. While my arms resting on her shoulder.

"We should invite Lia unnie" Yuna mumbled as she yawned.

"She text me earlier saying not don't bother her because she's busy on their theater. They are practicing already for foundation day" I said while sending goodnight to Ryujin. I put my phone on the nightstand and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Yuna" I said with my eyes closed.

"Goodnight Yeji unnie" Yuna said and I felt her lips on my right cheek. I just smiled and before I dozed off I heard I faint voice.

"I love you Yeji unnie"

Maybe I'm just tired that's why I'm hearing this things. Yeah I'm just tired.

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