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Yeji's POV
After we ate our dinner, Yuna called me saying that she need me right now. I bid my goodbye to Ryujin and went to Yuna. I don't know what comes to her mind but she's in the bar. I parked my car and went inside the bar only to see Yuna drinking juice. I walked towards her and she quickly notice me.

"Drinking juice in the bar?" I said


"What happen?" I asked her

"Well, Daddy said we need to meet the wedding planner tomorrow. I really don't want to marry you unnie"

"Same here. Have you told Chaeryeong about this?"

She sighed "No, I don't have strength to tell her. I'm sure she's going to leave me" Yuna sadly said

"We'll get through this okay? There's now way I'm letting this happen. I'm going to fight for Ryujin no matter what happen" I said firmly

Yuna looked at me "What if Daddy hurt Ryujin unnie?" She said

"I'm going to protect Ryujin. He can't hurt her when I'm around" I said

I ordered juice too since I'm kinda thirsty. Me and Yuna decided to just enjoy the night.

"Unnie, I'm still your baby sister right? Even though I fall inlove with you before" Yuna said making me look at her

I smiled to her "Ofcourse and I'm still your unnie. Love you Yuna" I said then I kissed her forehead. She hug me and I hugged her back.

"I love you too Unnie" She said sweetly.

"This is enough, wait for me Ryujin. I'm going to break your heart" the persod said when she stopped her recorder of the phone.

"I wonder what Ryujin will feel when Yeji is not really belong to her" She said and laugh. The two girl leave the bar and went to their home.


This is just another normal day but for Ryujin it is one of the happy days of her life. Yeji went to her house early just to cooked her breakfast and they ate together. Yeji also bought tteobboki for Ryujin. Aside from that her girlfriend is super sweet to her today. Those simple gestures is enough to make Ryujin happy and flattered.

This is the last day of school and tomorrow is the start of their Christmas break. Everyone is happy including the five. It is their topic while they're resting in the garden.

"What are your plans for this Christmas?" Lia asked her friends

Yuna is the first one who answer " I don't know" then followed by Chaeryeong "I'm going home to my family"

"What about you Ryujin?" Lia asked Ryujin. The short hair girl who's currently reading a book turned her attention to Lia.

"All alone in the house" She simply said

Yeji hold her hand and Ryujin looked at her "You're not going to be alone. I'm going to spend the Christmas with you" Yeji said

"What about your father?" Ryujin asked as much as she wants Yeji to be with her, she can't be selfish knowing that there's a father want to celebrate the Christmas with her only daughter.

"Um He has a business trip and Dad won't be able to celebrate the Christmas with me." Yeji said.

Lies. Yuna and Lia thought

"Yuna, I'm going to comfort room. i'll be back" Chaeryeong said before she stand make her way to comfort room.

"What about you Lia? What are your plans?" Yeji asked her.

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