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Yeji's POV
     We are here at our classroom and Lia is sitting beside me. We are earlier today than usual, Me and lia are just talking about random things.

"Yeji have you notice something to Yuna?" Lia asked me

"Nothing, She's still the Yuna we know. Is there things that I didn't notice?" I answered and also asked her a question

"She seems to be inlove" Lia said and base of the tone of her voice she's worried

"How can you say that? And who do you think she's inlove with?"

"Umm maybe I'm just hallucinating" Lia said and shake her head

"Yeah probably too much watching dramas" I said

She's about to reply but our professor came. Then the class became quiet. He's Mr Heechul, many students loves him including us not romantically but in admiration. He's very funny and our class never get bored because of him.

"We don't have class today because all teachers here we'll be having a meeting. Enjoy your day. See you next meeting Goodbye" he said and then leave. Our classmates already left the room.

"So what's our plan?" Lia asked me. I just shrugged my shoulder, I don't have any plans for today except the meeting in council at 5pm.

"Hmm how about we eat at the new cafe?" Lia suggested and I nod in response.

"Let's get Yuna first" I said and we walk out from the classroom. We find our way to Yuna's room and she's about to leave. We told her where we going and she's coming with us. While walking outside the campus I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" I said while helping her to stand and picking her things that fall on the floor. When I look at her I swear my heart beats get faster and She's the only person I see at this moment. She's so beautiful but her eyes...it's not lively more likely it is a sad one. I came back to my senses when someone smack my head, I turn around to see who it is only to realize it is Lia who smacked me

"Don't look at me like that, we've been calling you for how many times and ryujin, the girl who you bumped earlier already leave without saying a word" Lia exclaimed, she know the girl?

"Do you know her?" I asked her

"How come you don't know her? She's the Ice Queen/ Greatest dancer and music prodigy of this school" this time it was Yuna. Really? Maybe I'm so busy that I don't have time to know other.

"Oh I forgot she's also my teammate in floorball. She's our captain" Yuna added. I'm amazed at the things the said about her. But why she's alone? She don't have friends? We arrived at the cafe and went inside, find table. After we find table Lia is the one who gets our order.

"Yuna, are you friends with her?" I asked her out of curiosity

"No, she really don't have friends except chaeryeong. Chaeryeong is my friend, She told me that ryujin isn't always like that, she use to be cheerful and always smiling and friendly but everything has change when her parents died. She shut everyone out including chaeryeong but despite of that she stay with Ryujin and gladly everything between them is now fine." Yuna explained to me

"That's the reason why she doesn't smile anymore" I mumbled

"Ne, Chaeryeong is hoping that one day the old ryujin will be back. I wish for that one too" Yuna said then smiled at me

Her parents death has caused a big impact in her life. I'm so sad for her. I will do the same if I got in the same situation. If only I can do something to make her happy again. I'm so drowned at my thoughts that I didn't notice Lia is back and our orders is already served in the table.

"You're spacing out Yeji, are you okay?" Lia worriedly asked me, I just smile at them and "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about school works and council" I said, ofcourse there's no way I will tell them that I'm thinking about Ryujin they will tease me for sure. Lia and Yuna just looked at me with confused face that they're not satisfied with my answer. Think something Yeji!

"Omoo I'm hungry let's eat" I said as I grabbed my order and started to eat. The two laugh at my actions and started eating too. I'm in the middle of eating when some popped in my head.

"I've got an idea!" I half shouted, Lia and Yuna looked at me. "I'm going to make her friend of me" I added

"Who?" Lia asked

"Shin Ryujin" I said and the two choked  that made me laugh

"Why are you like that?" I asked them

Lia just drink her water first before responding to me. Yuna did the same

"Are you nuts Yeji? Didn't you know that she rejected everyone, as in everyone even the one who just want say hi to her" Lia exclaimed and rolled her eyes

"I agree unnie, you'll just get broken when she rejected you" Yuna said and continue to eat her food

"No, I'm Hwang Yeji no one can resist the charms I have" I confidently said

"Okay if you say so" Lia said and also continue to eat her food

"I'm gonna make her mine" I mumbled and then the looked at me, Lia has a teasing smirk in her lips while Yuna she's expressionless.

"I mean friend" I said while blushing.


This is it! Today is the day I'll do my first move. I was waiting in the locker room for her since her locker is just beside mine so yeah. I heard a footsteps coming to me and when I look to see, I saw a Goddess walking with a book on her hand. She just look at me and then look at her locker to put inside the books she had in her arms earlier.

"Um Hi! I'm Hwang Yeji" I started with a greet

"I know" she coldly said and never look at me

"Can you we have launch together?" I asker her politely and gave her my killer smile that everyone can't resist. She looked at me and gave me cold glare. She locked her locker

"No" she said and the walked away.

Okay? What was that?

"That girl deserves an award right Yuna?" Lia said while laughing with Yuna and I just pouted because this is so embarassing

"And what kind of award is that Ms. Choi?"

"Award for the being the very first girl who rejected you" Lia said and then laughed again together with Yuna

"Just give up Unnie" Yuna said with concerned on her face

"No, I won't give up. I will get what I want" I said in full of determination. Remember this Shin, I won't give up on you.

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