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After Yeji took Lia to her house, she immediately go to Yuna's company. The younger said that she's been waiting for half an hour already and it makes Yeji panicked. This is the first time she's late for picking up Yuna.

She stopped in the front of the company and saw Yuna waiting for her with angry face. Yeji gulped before walking towards the girl.

"Love, sorry I'm late" Yeji apologize while scratching her nape. Yuna just glared at her and went to the car shutting the door loudly.

Yeji sighed, she can't blame Yuna. It's her fault for making her wait. She went to the car and drove to their home. The whole trip was silent no one dared to speak, not even Yeji but she kept glancing on her girlfriend from time to time. They reached their home and rYuna entered the house without waiting for Yeji. She went directly to their room and locked the door.

"Love?" Yeji called her but no one answer

Yeji heavily sighed and walked to the kitchen to make their dinner. She managed to cook their dinner in just 30 minutes knowing that Yuna must be hungry right now.

Yeji go to their room again and tried to open the door but it is still locked.

"Yuna, open the door" she said softly placing her ears on the door.

"Go away!" Yuna yelled as curled up to the bed with blanket covering her whole body.

"No, I know your hungry and please don't make it big deal I'm just late by 30 minutes. I already apologize for it" Yeji said calm trying her best not to burst.

Yeji stepped back when she heard the door unlocked and opened revealing the angry bunny.

"I'm not upset that you make me wait. I'm upset that you lied to me! You said you're busy at the office about the project so I decided to bring you launch but I saw no sign of you! Your secretary told me that you didn't even go to office." Yuna angrily shouted to Yeji

Yeji's POV
OW SHIT! I forgot to inform my secretary about my plan, dammit. Yuna is still glaring at me , it makes me nervous and scared.

"Cat got your tongue? Are seeing someone Yeji? Cause if you do let's break up." Yuna said and I panicked and quickly hold her hand

"No no, the truth is Lia and I go to the mall and bought a special thing" I started. I guess this is the right time. I don't want to lose her. I secretly get the box with the ring on it.

"I supposed to do it on our 3rd anniversary but you leave me no choice" I kneeled one on the ground and opened the box for her. Yuna covered her mouth, shocked is written all over her face.

"Shin Yuna, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're my friend...my bestfriend.... my girlfriend. Do you want to be my wife and mother to my kids? Yuna.... Will you marry me?" I said hoping she would say Yes. Her eyes filled with tears.

Yeji felt more nervous when Yuna isn't saying something. But it quickly change to happiness the moment Yuna nodded her head repeatedly.

"Yes, I want to marry you Yeji" Yuna said and Yeji stand to put the ring on her finger.

"I'm sorry we're not in the romantic place" Yeji said as she slid the ring on her soon to be wife finger.

"Anywhere is romantic as long as your with me" Yuna said cupping Yeji's cheeks

Yeji pulled her to a passionate kiss, her arms were circled around her fiancé waist. And Yuna's arm where wrapped around Yeji's neck pulling her closer to deepened the kiss.

Yuna jump to Yeji circling her legs to older girl waist the older her carried her. She walked towards the bed and place Yuna on it carefully before hovering on top of her. She kissed Yuna's lips aggressively and bite the lower lip asking for entrance, Yuna open her mouth and their tongue met. Fighting for dominance Yeji won. Soon the rough kiss turned to slow kiss. Yeji slowly pulled out and stared at Yuna's eyes.

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