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Yeji's POV
        It's monday, I already brought Yuna to their company. Mommy Irene said that we will be having our new business partner and probably I will meet this person next week. I told Yuna that I won't be able to join her lunch today cause I'm busy with the new project but I lied. The truth is today I'm going to choose and buy the ring that I will give to my future my wife with the help of Lia ofcourse.

"Yah~ Yeji this one is beautiful. It's Yuna's type simple but elegant." Lia said pointing to the beautiful ring. We are here now at the shop where we will buy the ring.

A/n:(This is the ring)

A/n:(This is the ring)

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"I like that one too. Do you think she will love it?"

"Ofcourse and as long as it comes from you she will love it" Lia said turning her head to look at me and smile.

I smiled, this is the one "I'll buy this one miss."

After we bought the ring, Lia and I went to new restaurant. When we went inside I can't help but to admire the place. "R&Y Shin" is the name of the resto maybe the owner of this shop is a married couple. The interior design is really great, the ambiance is relaxing and calming. Lia pulled me in one of table that near in the window.

"You surely like to sit near the window" I said

"Yeah" she simply said

A waiter came to us get our order.

"Ma'am what's your order?" The waiter said politely with a smile.

"Serve us your best seller here" Lia said without looking at the waiter.

"Okay ma'am, the food will arrive in 15 minutes" the waiter then left.

"So, where's your chosen place?" Lia asked me

"Beach, where I confessed my feelings to her. I want the stars and galaxy to witness my special moment with her."


"Oh Lia, my Lia you'll understand me when you fall inlove" I said wiggling my eyebrows

She just laugh and our orders came. We ate and talked a lot of things related to the business. And some of our memories during high school and college. They're helping me to gained my memories again.

After we finished eating, we pay our bills and started walking towards the exit until I bumped to a girl with a short blonde hair. She almost fall on the floor luckily I got her. I looked at her face and damn she's beautiful, I felt something in my tummy that I can't explain.

"Ye-yeji?" She mumbled stuttering

Ryujin's POV
        Finally I came back to korea! Gosh I miss this place. I can't wait to see her again god knows how much I waited to come this day.

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