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A/N: slow update sorry

Ryujin's POV
         Christmas is about to come, I'm still thinking what gift should I buy to Yeji. We are 2 months in a relationship and everyday I learned something new about her like how she gets silent when she's angry or jealous. How she will get pissed when I'm wearing shorts while buying groceries when she's not with me. After the day she asked me to be her girlfriend she's always with me, giving me letters and flowers. She never failed to make me smile and laugh every single day, I feel like the old me is back and thanks to Yeji.

"Ryujin! We'll start in 5 minutes!" I heard our coach yell at me since he's walking away from me. I finished doing the lace of my shoes and grab my floorball stick. I walked to the gym and I saw my teammates practicing in their own. When everyone notice my presence they started to line up, I stand beside Yuna. Our coach signal us to sit.

"I want to congratulate everyone because we made it to the championship once again" he started we clap our hands because of the compliment. "Now guys our opponent will be the undefeated YG blackpink falcons, I know guys you can win this championship, we can win this championship. Since it is 2 weeks from now you are all exempted to your class so you can more focus on the training. JYP Eagles let's do our best and win the championship game!" We all put our hands in the middle and "SOAR HIGH!" We shouted at the top of our lungs.

After that we started to practice. Everyone seems to be more focus now and I love it. The practice goes well and we enjoyed it that we didn't notice the time, our practice today is done. I went to the shower room to freshen up after I change my clothes I walked outside of the shower room. Everyone already left the gym, as I picked my left towel I notice someone sitting in the bleachers.

"Why are you still here Yuna?" I softly asked her.

"Waiting for Chaeryeong" she simply said while tapping at her phone, I assumed she's chatting with chaer. I know the real score between the two, Yuna told me.

It's been 2 days since I became her girlfriend, it's weekend and I don't have nothing to do. Yeji says she's doing her project with her groupmates so she won't be able to be with me.

As I watched some kdramas I heard the doorbell ringing. I opened the door slightly to see Yuna biting her nails, a habit of hers when she done something terrible. I opened the door widely and let her come inside. She immediately sat in the sofa while looking at me blankly.

"What did you do Yuna? And why are you here?" I asked her coldy

She stare for me for a second before answering me "make her happy and don't hurt her" she said with sad eyes

"I will" I said softly and smile to her

"Cause if you hurt her I will punch straight in the face" she warned which make me laugh

"Yeah I'll take note of that. So what happen?" I asked her again she looked at me shocked like I caught her watching rated spg films.

"Umm we're okay now right? Please don't shut me out again. I care for you" Yuna said softly

"I'm sorry about that I promise I won't do that anymore. So what's really happen?" Yuna looked at me then look away.

"Umm it's about your bestfriend....." Yuna said

"What about chaeryeong?"

Then Yuna told me everything.

"Please don't be mad at me" Yuna pleaded

"Ofcourse I won't, it's not that you will get her pregnant you fool" I laugh "but about chaeryeong take her seriously. She's a lovable person. It's good that you give her chance and try to love her too" I said. Yuna hugged me tightly

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