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Yeji's POV
Ryujin and the three went back to her house in Seoul while me, I stay with my parents. I want to spend my christmas break with them.

"Enjoy your stay here yeddeong, if you need me or you want something just call me okay? Don't worry about them I'll take care of them well" Ryujin said as she closed the door after Yuna went inside the car.

"I will, take care, don't flirt while I'm gone. I'm really going to kill you" I said trying to scare her but she just laugh.

"Ofcourse I won't ever do that. I already have the most beautiful, caring and loving girlfriend in the world plus you're the only one I see that I'm going to marry in the future" She sweetly said before she gave me a peck in my lips. I smile and blush on what she says.

"Yah! You two stop acting like you won't be able to see each other for year!" Lia shouted inside the car

Yuchae laugh at her "agree, plus you'll meet us again in school" Yuna said I just rolled my eyes to them.

"Go now, enjoy your time with your family okay? I love you" I said and kiss her in the lips

"I love you too, Can I have one more kiss?" she asked while pouting. Cute

I kissed her again in the lips. After that she went inside her car, with the last wave she left. I went inside the mansion and go to our kitchen where I found mommy Seulgi and mommy Irene cooking for our lunch.

"They left already?" mommy Seul asked when she notice me. I sat in one of the stool and watched them.

"Yes mommy" I said

"Can I help you guys?" I added

"Sure baby, just arrange the plates and utensils" mommy Seulgi said

"Okay!" I said cheerfully as I jump out from my seat and went to the table. As I finished arranging the plates they foods are done too. We ate our lunch. Beef stew is so good.

"Mommies! This food taste so good, you're a good cook! Now I know where I got my cooking skills. Tomorrow I'll cook for you" I said

"You probably got that from your momma Irene, I'm suck at cooking" mommy Seulgi said

"That's sweet of you baby, I'm looking forward to your cooking" mommy Irene said smiling to me.

We are done eating our lunch, mommy Irene do the dishes while me and mommy Seulgi are playing games with her xbox. We are playing fighting games I don't know the title of the game but I find it interesting. I'm about to lose but I remembered something. Cheating in games isn't bad right?

Irene's POV
I'm done in doing the dishes, I went to the living room and find the two playing video games. They are so cute so I took a picture of them with my phone. I can see Yeji is close to losing the game but she's competitive one. She scoots closer to Seulgi and....

"Mommy, look at mommy Irene she got your pringles" Yeji said that make my bear look around to find me. Our met gaze and I laugh at her cause our daughter cheated on her. In the end Yeji won.

Seulgi is sulking like a baby "Baechu you and your daughter are cheater!" She said while rolling sidewards on the carpet. Yeji and I just laugh at her.

"We're not, you're just easy to fool" I said teasing her more.

"Aniiii~" she went up and sat between me and Yeji. She wrapped her arms around our shoulder and pulled us closer.

"It's okay if I lose as long as we're good and we won't lose Yeji again. I'm going to protect you no matter what" she said then planted a kiss on our temple.

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