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Ryujin's POV
I'm just laying on my bed all day. Tomorrow is supposed to be the "best moment of my life" but then it is not and it will never be. It's more like a nightmare to me. Yeji sent me the invitation card of her and Yuna's wedding, it's kind of funny tho cause I'm one of the bridesmaids. But I can't come to their wedding, reason? We have same date of wedding. August 3, I think it is better that way, I might die there if I saw them saying their vows and putting a ring on each others ring finger. Just the thought of that giving me goosebumps.

I sit up when I heard someone knocking on my door. "Ryujin, may I come in?" Granny asked


She opened the door and walked inside my room. Granny sit beside me and put her hands in my shoulder.

"You should sleep now darling, tomorrow is your wedding, you should look pretty for your bride" Granny softly said

"Yeah don't need to remind me." I said in monotone

"She's pretty right?"

"Yeah, she is." But Yeji is more prettier. Yes I already met the girl, her name is Arin. She's nice, a wife material indeed but I don't feel anything with her. She won't make me happy, I'll just marry because Yeji told me.

"She's here, she want to spend the day with you" I didn't bother to look my grandma. I just nodded. I'll just go with the flow.

Granny left my room and soon Arin came with her cute smile.

"Hi! How's my future wife doing?" Arin asked as she sit beside me and clung her arms to mine.

"Good, what do you want?" I said in cold tone.

"Let's go to the mall" Arin said before she dragged me out of the house.

"Really? You bring me here with you just to carry your shopping bags?!" I said in annoyance.

"Then hand them to me" Arin said extending her right arm to get the shopping bags.

I looked at her in disbelief. Even though I really want to make her suffer, I can't. I'm still a gentlewoman. Maybe if she met Ryujin five years ago then I will definitely throw to her all the shopping bags and leave her.

I sighed and walk past to her. I walked inside a restaurant and put the shopping bags to side. I sat in the chair. Geez I'm tired.

"Hey, I'm sorry" Arin apologized as she sits in the chair next to me.

"It's okay, is there any place you want to go?"

"You're tired, let's just spend the rest of the day in your bedroom" Arin said cheerfully

I nodded and get the menu from the waiter.

After we ate at the restaurant, we quickly go back at my house. Arin and I are just watching movies in my room.

"Arin... how did you know about me?" I curiously asked. I'm still wondering why granny letting me marry this girl whom they just met recently and how come they trust her so much?

She looked at me "Well... we're classmates in elementary before but we never talk to each other, I get shy when you're around. I had a crush on you back then, and said to myself that one day I will marry you so... here I am" she said shifting her gaze to tv again.

Well. It make sense.

"Do you really love me?"

She looked at me again and smile "I love you so much. I love you to the point I will give up everything just to be with you. Just give me chance to prove and show it to you" she said and hold my hands

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