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Yeji's POV
       It's monday! I can't wait to see Ryujin today, I miss her so much. Since we didn't talk during weekend. I've decided to pick Ryujin in her house, I want us to go together in our school. I just came in time cause I saw Ryujin locked the door of her house. I turn off the engine and went inside the car, I greet her as I stood in front of her gate.

"Goodmorning Ryuddaeng!" I smiled widely to her but she just looked at me with straight face.

"What are you doing here?" She said in her monotone voice with that I remembered that I didn't give her any messages on my whereabouts during weekend cause I want to focus on Yuna. It will be rude if I keep texting her while I'm spending my time with Yuna and I know myself once she replied she will get my whole attention and talk to her non stop. That's why I prevent myself from sending her messages that can lead to longer conversation.

"Let's go to school together!" I said cheerfully, I take her hand and guide her to my car. I opened the front door for her and I'm glad she immediately sit as I close the door I went to the driver seat and buckle up. I looked at Ryujin who's currently fixing her seatbelt, gosh she's so beautiful, she just wear plain white shirt and sweatpants today yet she look stunning.

"Are you planning to get us late hwang?" I blushed when she caught me staring at her. I can't help it she's too beautiful to resist.

"Hehe let's go!" I turn on the engine and drive to school. Everyone turn their attention to us when we got out of my car. As we walked in the hallway all their heads turns to us. Well we used to it by the way. I walked her to their room, when we reached her room she went inside directly and didn't say goodbye to me. Maybe she's having a bad day that's why. I went to my class to see Lia who's busy with her phone.

"Hey Lia" I greet her with no energy. After what happened earlier I'm not in the mood anymore. Ryujin is really affecting me so much.

"I thought you and Yuna are already okay?" She asked while looking at me confuse can be seen on her face. Putting her chin on her hands.

"We're okay now but now it was Ryujin, it feels like I do something wrong to her and now she's being distant and didn't talked to me when I walked her to her class" I brushed my hair out of frustration. Lia nodded as if she understand my situation.

"Then why are you affected so much? You're not like that when you and Yuna fought. Do you perhaps like Ryujin?" I remained silent while I turned my gaze on my phone that is currently place on my desk I turn it on and when I saw my wallpaper I smiled,it's ryujin, she's smiling in this picture. I captured it when we were eating our lunch at the garden. Taking a picture is easy but it's hard when you have to do it secretly.

Do I really like Ryujin? I don't know, I'm not sure. But my life becomes more happier when she come.

"I don't know Lia, lately I've been noticing myself. Sometimes I'm staring at her without even realizing it, when I looked at her it feels like she's the only person I see moving in slow motion. When she smiled at me I felt my heart beats start to race, I don't know why I feel this but there's only one thing I know. I'm much more happy when I'm with her." I said with wide smile still looking at my phone.

I turned my eyes to Lia when she chuckled "You don't like her Yeji" she paused for a moment and look at me with playful smirk on her lips. "You're inlove with her" she added while wiggling her eyebrows, whenever she do that I always find it adorable but now I feel like I want to shave her eyebrows. Just kidding.

"Don't make fun of me Lia" I rolled my eyes on her silly antics "it's just been 3 months since we became friends. And If I'm inlove with her I know she I'm just a friend to her nothing more nothing less" I sighed heavily if I confess to her do I have a chance? Ofcourse no, she only like me as a friend.

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