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Ryujin's POV
Death is the most unpredictable thing in this world. Growing up with lovely parents is a big blessing I considered in my life. I used to be a friendly, bubbly and cheerful, I have a lot of friends and everyone likes me to be their friend. I'm so happy that everything is fine, until there's a plane crashed and my parents is on that plane. I felt so broke and lonely that time, as if everything has lost its meaning to me. I shut everyone out hoping that even though I'm pushing them away they will stay with me but none of them did that except chaeryoung. I'm so lucky that she stayed at my side. She's my bestfriend. She's like a mother to me, always reminding me what to do and checking me up if I'm still alive. She loves me how my parents loved me, sometimes I wonder if their soul is living inside chaeryoung. But I'm really lucky to have her.

Yeji. The moment she came to my life I never had a peaceful day. She keeps bothering me asking me if I want to eat with her but no matter how many time I've rejected her and says some harsh words, she stayed with me. She's so persistent that I didn't notice she became part of me already and that what makes me annoyed at myself. I'm scared that I may hurt her or she may hurt me. I can't let that happen anymore, I'm so tired of being hurt. But there's something in her that made me accepted her proposal to be my friend. And Yeji didn't broke her promise, she always walked me to my class, ate lunch with me and walking me home she said she wants to make sure I'm safe. But sometimes she's not with me because of the student council, her duty and I completely understand it.

"You didn't touch your food yet ryuddaeng" I hear Yeji says, I looked at my food and she's right. I turned to her.

"Um yeah, I'm thinking something" I replied. She furrowed her eyebrows

"Don't think about me ryuddaeng" here she comes. "I know I'm beautiful" she added, Yeji's full of herself version.

"Yah beautiful disaster" I tease her that make her pout. I just want to pinch her cheeks because of the cuteness she had.

"By the way Ryuddaeng, um my friends wants to meet you. It's okay if you don't want to I'm not forcing you there's a time for everything" She stated

"I'll go" I casually said that made her look at me with wide eyes and amusement

"Really? I swear they are the loudest and craziest people you will ever meet" Yeji said as she smile to me.

"Then maybe I should take back what I said" I playfully said

"No, there's no turning back" Yeji said while grinning. She's so cute when she do that. This past few days I've been smiling a lot because of Yeji and I really like it. We are here at the garden, eating  our lunch. When the whole school knew that I and Yeji became friends I received a lot of hate, some students will bumped to me intentionally and some saying bad words to me, like I'm a social climber. But I didn't tell Yeji about it, I don't want to worry her.

"You're spacing out again. Are you really okay?" Yeji asked worriedly while she's caressing my cheeks. It made me close my eyes and relaxed for a moment. I don't know but I felt so safe and relaxed when I'm with her. She's the only person who made me feel like this. Stay with me forever Yeji

"Yeah don't worry. So when are we going to meet them?" I asked

"After class, Nayeon unnie said we will try the newly opened cafe. I'll pick you in your room and then we'll go together is that okay with you?" Yeji replied, her hand that caressing my cheek has now holding my hand and it made me blush but I hide it.

"Yeah" I said and continue to eat my lunch. After minutes we already walking to my class. We stopped at the front door.

"Thank you for coming with me Ryujin and see you later" Yeji is always like this everytime I ate lunch with her. I should be the one who's thankful right? She's spending her time with nobody.

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