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Yeji's POV
          Yuna told me the good news. Wedding is cancelled but it will never change the fact that Ryujin left the country. I went to her house earlier but her maid said that Ryujin already left yesterday night. I tried to call her but I can't contact her anymore. I'm late, too late.

I'm lying on my bed while tears streaming down on my cheeks. I still can't believe that I will never see her anymore.

Knock knock

I heard a knock on my door.

"Yeji, can I come in?" He asked with a worried tone.

I didn't answer and I heard the doorknob twisted open. And I felt him sitting at the edge of the bed.

He sighed "I'm sorry Yeji, I know its all our fault. Please forgive me."

"I accept your apology Dad I hope that sorry of yours can bring Ryujin back" I sadly said.

We looked at each other. Dad move and sat next to me, he hug me tightly as I released more tears. Getting his polo wet.

"If she truly loves you she will come back. She just need to clear her mind Yeji so wait for her or if you can't wait then we will find her" Dad said that make me look at him.

"Really?" I asked

"Yes" He said and smiled at me

"Thank you Dad, I love you" I said hugging him tightly

"Anything for my favorite daughter. Now rest, calm your mind and don't cry anymore. You don't want to meet her again with puffy eyes right?" He said that make us laugh both.

After Dad left the room, I felt my phone vibrate when I look at it Lia message me that they will come tomorrow. I just leave it in seen and I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

The four of them gather in Yeji's room.

"What? Ryujin left the country?" Lia said almost yelled after Yeji told them.

"I can't believe it, I thought she loves you so much" Lia added before eating her chips.

Chaeryeong is still debating on her head whether she will tell it to Yeji or not cause it's really hurt to see her unnie suffering so much. This is not included in their plan.

"Unnie, Ryujin can't leave the country if she didn't have her passport" Chaeryeong said looking down on Yuna's hand

Yeji confused at what Chaeryeong said but at the same time interested.

"Huh? What do you mean chae?" She asked the younger girl

Chaeryeong look at her "I have her passport unnie" she said and it gives hope to Yeji cause Ryujin is still in korea.

"And I think I have an idea where you can find her" Chaeryeong said

"Where? Tell me now" Yeji said excitedly almost jumping on her seat.

Chaeryeong look at Yuna giving her go-tell-her look.

"She has rest house in Jeju islan—" Yuna was cut off when Yeji immediately stand and went to her closet. Grabbing her travelling bag and start putting clothes in it.

"Where are you going Yeji?" Lia asked innocently as if she didn't know.

"Jeju island"

The three exchanged look to each other trying to hold their laugh.

"You are going there when you don't know her exact address" Yuna said

"Where?" Yeji asked not bothering to look at them cause she still busy packing her clothes.

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