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Months have passed and Yeji keep asking Ryujin to eat lunch with her but the girl never say yes to her and didn't even show an interest to Yeji. Today, Yeji is sitting in the corridor in front of Ryujin's classrom, she's waiting for the girl to come out. She heard the bell rang and some students already filled the corridor. She stand and rushed to Ryujin the moment she saw the girl.

"Hi Ryujin! Can we have l-" yeji cut off by ryujin

"No" Ryujin said in usual cold voice. Yeji looked at her with sad face

"But why? I just want to be friends with you" Yeji sincerely said. Ryujin looked at her expressionless

"I don't need one" she said and walked away that make Yeji sad even more. She walked to the cafeteria and sit with her friends. The two immediately notice that the older girl wasn't in the mood and they know who is the reason why she's being like this.

"Yeji unnie, just give up already. She doesn't even care about your existence and clearly nothing wants to do you with you." The younger scolded Yeji. Since she didn't like that her unnie is being like that for some girl who didn't give a fuck about her. Lia nudge Yuna and giving her look that saying you-had-enough.

Yeji just looked at them sadly then released a deep breath.

"I need a fresh air, See you later guys" she waved at them and quickly leave the cafeteria. She made her way to the garden, she got there fast and easily. She layed on the grass while looking at the sky. She's thinking if she will give up to Ryujin, what Yuna said is right but there's something inside her that keeps telling her to not give up.

"I don't know anymore! What did you to me!" She yelled and  then mess her hair because of frustration. She close her eyes for a moment but get interrupted when she heard fighting noises. She stand and follow the noises and it's coming from the gym. She took a peek inside to see that there's somi with her minions bullying and hitting someone. Yeji did what she have to do. Help the girl.

"What's happening here?" She sternly said. All of their heads turn to her and fear and nervousness can be seen in their eyes. Yeji notice that their victim wasn't moving so rushed to the girl and check if she's fine, luckily she did. But when Yeji's eyes turn to the face of victim the anger inside her start to build up. It was Ryujin.

"All of you, I'll make sure you're going to regret for hurting her" then Yeji carried the girl in bridal style and went to clinic.

"Nurse! She needs your help" She carefully lay down ryujin on the soft matress not wanting to hurt the girl further.

"What happen?" The nurse calmly asked  while looking at the bruises

"I don't know. She's unconscious when I find her. Somi's group is bullying her." She responded while looking at Ryujin worriedly

"Don't worry she'll be fine, just wait outside. I'll call when I'm done" the nurse said. Yeji sent message to chaeryoung on what happen to ryujin. She didn't get reply but she's sure that girl in on her way now.

Yeji sat on the chair outside the clinic. After few minutes, the nurse informed Yeji that she's fine now. She went inside and sat beside Ryujin. She look at the girl's face, "You look so peaceful when you're sleeping" Yeji thought. She was caressing the hair of Ryujin, she immediately back off when ryujin opened her eyes.

Yeji's POV
Ryujin tried to sit but I stop her from doing that. "Just rest first, you're still not okay" I said while holding her arms

"No, I'm fine now let me go" She said trying to get her arms from me but I tightened my  grip on her arms.

"No, just let me help you please" I said almost pleading to her. I really want to her help, I want to protect her from now on.

"I don't need your help, never. And how many times do I need to reject you for you to get my message that I don't want you in my life. What are really up to? I'm perfectly sure that you're going to hurt me" she said and removed my gripped on hers. She quickly left the clinic and I just left dumbfounded. I never realized that I'm crying when I felt a tears rolling down my cheeks. Wow, just wow, never in my life I cried because of a person.

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