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Ryujin came back to her senses when someone hold her hand.

It's only imagination? Ryujin asked herself and shrugged it off. She looked at the hand that currently intertwined with hers. She slowly traveled her eyes from the body to the face of the person. She widened her eyes when she saw the woman who's holding her hand, smiling sweetly to her.

She's expecting that it was Arin but no.

"Are you ready Mrs. Hwang?" Yeji said giggling at Ryujin's reaction which she found it cute.

Ryujin couldn't say anything, she's still processing everything. Why Yeji is here? Yuna? What about her?. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!

"I know you have a lot of question in your mind right now, don't worry I'll answer it later." Yeji said before planting a short kiss on Ryujin's forehead.

"Thank you for not running away in our wedding day hon" Yeji added

"You better explain all of this Hwang, I feel like my brain is about to explode because of the happenings right now." Ryujin said in serious tone but Yeji just laugh at her.

"I promise, now, Shin Ryujin do you still want to be my wife?" Yeji asked

Ryujin didn't answer at first. She can't believe it. She slapped herself to confirm if it is true but she just hurt herself.

"This is true..." Ryujin mumbled.

"Ofcourse it's true my love. So... do you want to be my wife?" Yeji asked once again.

"Yes, Idiot ofcourse I want to be your wife" Ryujin said with the hint of happiness in her voice.

"Let's all witness the entrance of brides" the emcee said with that the door opened widely.

"Now Let's make you Mrs. Hwang officially and legally" Yeji said and held her hand tightly.

They started walking in the red carpet. Yeji was smiling like an idiot while reminiscing everything on how she and Yuna planned all of this.

Let us all go back to Yuchae moment in the office

Yuna's POV

"You're forgiven. Does it mean we're back together again?" She asked that made me caught off guard. Now this is more complicated, Ryujin is right if I only give her a chance to explain before then things are different now.

"I wanna know why Ryujin left Yeji, why did she broke up with her?" I asked avoiding her question.

"She didn't tell you? I thought you knew" Chaeryeong said

"Pabo, if I knew the reason you think I will asked you?" I sarcastically said

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Well, your grandparents talked to Ryujin. They're against in Ryujin's relationship with a girl but she fight for Yeji, so they made a deal Ryujin need to break up with Yeji and she needs to make your grandparents company no. 1. If she did that... she already did. They will accept Yeji and even allow Ryujin to marry her." Chaeryeong explained.

Now I know her reason, I know what I need to do. I will make everything right.

I stand from my sit and turned my body to face the glass wall that give me view of the city. I felt a hands snaked on my waist and hugged me tightly from behind. Chaeryeong put her chin on my shoulder.

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