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Everyone turned their heads to the person who's standing at the back. The man started to walking casually going to aisle each person on the church are quietly observing the man with such a smirk on his lips.

"He's hot" Yeri blurted that made Wendy and Joy glared at her. 

"What? It's I'm just telling the truth!" She yelled whispered

"You want me to tell Saeron?" Wendy said

"And he's too young for me plus I have Saeron" Yeri said earning a chuckle from Seulrene

"You guys stop it, stop bickering at my daughter's wedding" Irene said and Seulgi nodded in agreement. The three stop and focus on the man who already reached the first row of sit.

What the man did after was beyond of their expectation. The man smiled to the cat eyed girl and Yeji smiled back, he went to the sit next to Mr. Hwang.

"Okay, you can continue now. The most handsome man finally arrived here." He said with full of confidence and loud voice that make everyone hear it and laugh.

Mr. Hwang smack his head "Hyunjin, you're already late yet you are being like this. Stop being extra will you? Can you give this day to your cousin?" The older man said softly.

He chuckled "Sorry, uncle. I can't help it" Hyunjin said politely.

The ceremony continues...

"If there's no one let's continue. As we stand in this aisle you two are sure that you are ready to take your relationship to another level. Do you love each other?" The priest said

Ryujin and Yeji looked at each other, giving their warm smile before they answered "Yes father" they said in unison.

"That's good to hear. Hwang Yeji do you take Shin Ryujin to be your lawfully wife?"

"Yes father, I do" Yeji said without breaking eye contact to Ryujin.

"Shin Ryujin do you take Hwang Ye—"
The priest was cut off when Ryujin answered him quickly.

"Yes father, I do!" She said loudly and full of excitement. Everyone in the room laugh.

"Unnie take it easy!" Yuna shouted as she laugh.

The priest prevented his laugh before he continue. "If that so you can say your vows and put ring to each other"

Yeji started, she carefully took the ring in the small pillow. She looked at Ryujin with full of love in her eyes. "Ryujin, the first time I laid my eyes with your cold ones, I know I need to make you smile and happy again. Thank you for making me happy by saying the first Yes to me, thank you for accepting me to be your friend. Becoming your friend is only my plan for you and falling inlove with you wasn't included but then I fell inlove with you. Not because you're pretty or prettier when you smile, not because you have nice body and you're a great dancer. I fell inlove with your personality, you make me fall inlove with your flaws and imperfections."

Yeji hold Ryujin left hand "They said love is blind, yes indeed. Because no matter how harsh you are on me at first I decided to not look at it cause we're not perfect and I know you're a great person. Thank you for accepting me as your girlfriend, thank you for the sacrifices you made for me. And again Thank you for accepting my proposal to be your wife." Ryujin finally realized that the proposal happened in the park was real. She teared up because of the effort of Yeji for her to surprise her.

"Today, surrounded by all of our loved ones, I choose you to be my wife. I am proud to be your wife and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, inspire you, and love you always. For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. You are my one and only today and every day until the day I die" Yeji said as she put the ring on Ryujin's finger and gently hold it before she kissed it without breaking eye contact with her wife.

The shorter girl gently took the ring and hold Yeji's hand. Ryujin composed herself before she began to speak "Yeddeong, you are my sunshine in my life. What would I do without you? Thank you for making me smile when I thought I can't smile anymore. Thank you for not letting me go when I'm pushing you away. Thank you for making me the happiest person alive right now, my heart is full of endless gratitude because of you."

Ryujin paused as her tears fall which Yeji immediately wipe "I'm such a crybaby. Thank you for giving me last chance, I promise I won't waste it and I will never leave you again. Never. How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love and trust makes me a better person, each and every day. For all those times that we've been together, there's always been a mutual understanding that's only shared when two people love each other truly."

"You were there for my greatest challenges. You encouraged me to grow. You helped believe in myself and become the person that I am today. In your arms and by your side, I know I can do anything. I will be there for you, day or night, in richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I trust, appreciate, cherish, and respect you. I promise to share with you my hopes and dreams as we build our lives together. You, my love, are my everything. I love you so much Yeji" Ryujin said as she slid the ring into Yeji's ring finger.

The crowd applauded, some are crying and wiping their tears. This includes Seulgi and Irene, their only daughter is finally married to person she truly loves and soon they will start building their own family.

"Don't cry Hyun" Seulgi said softly as she comforting her wife.

"You're crying too." Irene said looking at Seulgi.

They both chuckled "It's tears of joy. Time flies so fast, our baby is already married" Irene said as she turned her gaze to the two woman at the aisle.

"She still our baby Hyun, she will be forever" Seulgi said

Going back to the couple who are getting married. The priest also got carried away from the moment. Yeji is waiting for the priest to say the highlighted word of the event. She looked at the priest.

"Um, father... I think you forgot to say the words I've been waiting" Yeji said politely

The priest came back to his senses and compose his self. "Sorry, you two are just..... you really love each other and everyone in this room can see and feel it." The priest smiled "You may now kiss your bride Ms. Hwang"

Yeji gently cupped Ryujin's face and she draw herself closer to the girl. The two both start leaning to each other until their lips finally collided to each other. Yeji slowly kissed her wife to make her feel how much she love her. Their kiss was lasted for only 1 minute.

They stared at each other and smiled finally. "I can't wait for our honeymoon hon" Yeji whispered to Ryujin.

Ryujin blushed at Yeji's word, she grabbed Yeji by the waist and kiss her again.

"Yah! You two get a room!" Lia shouted while laughing. Her bestfriend is really naughty.

"I bet Yeji will be top on their honeymoon" Chaeryeong said

"I agree with you" Lia said

"I also agree" Yuna joined.

"Let's welcome our newly wed couple. Mrs& Mrs Hwang!" The emcee said.

"I love you so much Mrs. Hwang"

"I love you so much more and more Mrs. Hwang Ryujin. My surname suits on you Hon"

I think 2 or 3 more chapters and this story will end. Again Thank you guys for reading and supporting my story❤️

Can you suggest a concept for my next story so I could meet your expectation? ;)

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