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Yeji's POV
      After that night, Ryujin and I became really close again. She's cooking for our breakfast before we go to work and speaking of work, Ryujin isn't helping at all. Her money maybe but cooperation in work isn't. Last time  when the designer showed us the new design for casual wear, she asked Ryujin if she could add some ideas and then she said "the important thing is we all had clothing, food and shelter" after that incident I never brought her again to the meeting. I just assigned her in designing of the stage for the runway.

Today, it's our day off. So we are just watching movies in the living room, I let Ryujin choose the movie since it is her house. I saw her choose insidious 2, a horror movie.

I smirked "you really want us to watch that?" I asked

"Yes, scared? Don't be I'm here" she said still not looking to me. She pressed the play then sit next to me.

"It's not that scary Yeddeong" she confidently said


"AHHHHHHH!" she screamed near in my ear that make me backed away from her and cover my ears. Geez I felt like my eardrum was broke.

"You said "it's not that scary'" I said trying to mimicking her voice earlier.

"TURN IT OFF! Pleasee! I'm scared" she said while hugging me by the waist. I hug her tightly and put my chin on her head as she buried her face on my chest. She's so tiny. I grabbed the remote and turn it off.

"It's turn off now, you can let go now"



"I have a question for you"

"What is it?"

"Do you really need to marry Yuna?" She asked still her face is in my chest. Her question made me think about Yuna. It's been a week since the last time we talked, I wonder why? She isn't like this. I'm about to answer Ryujin's question but I got interrupted when my phone rang and a familiar name popped on the screen.

I let go from the hug and grabbed my phone. I pressed the answer button and place the phone in my ear.

"Yuna.." I called out her name as I walked towards my room.

Ryujin's POV
      I frowned when I heard from Yeji that it was Yuna who's calling her. Psh what a big and tall interruptor, I went to the kitchen to eat something that could ease the annoying feeling I felt right now. Then I saw pringles on the top of my refrigerator, I grabbed it and I suddenly remembered mama seulgi and mama Irene. I was silently eating the pringles until I finished it, I put it to the trash can and head to my room. I'm about to enter my room when I heard Yeji saying something.

I decided to listened to her voice. I place my ear in the door.

"Yeah, I want you to use my own design wedding gown on our wedding. I'm sure you will look perfect on it, I can't wait to see you trying them all and choose the one you'll wear on the wedding day. I can't wait to marry you my princess" I heard Yeji said happiness and excitement can be found in her voice.

I felt my heart broke than already it is. I'm starting to lose my hope on her, she's...... she already choose Yuna. Her decision is clearly final, she's going to marry her. It's your fault author-nim.

I quickly wipe my tears when I felt it on my cheeks.

"I need to sleep now baby, bye I love you too" she said so I decided to enter my room and close the door. I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling until I fall asleep.

The project has been finished in just 2 weeks and I didn't do anything at all tbh. Well, it's not my forte tho, I just want to be with my Yeji. Tonight will be launch of the runway, there's a lot of celebrities will attend the fashion show since it's Luis Vuitton brand. Yes you read it right, Mr. Hwang owned the Luis Vuitton and other popular brand of clothing. And Yes Yeji will inherit it someday even if she's not really a daughter of Mr. Hwang.

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