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Ryujin's POV
   I'll consider this day as one of the best day of my life cause Yeji likes me too and she's my girlfriend now. I couldn't be more happier than I am right now. She slid the ring to my finger and it looks perfect on it. I looked at Yeji, smiling like an idiot. Everybody is shocked to see me smile for the very first time, but it didn't bother me. All my attention is on this beautiful Goddess standing in front me. As she started to leaned closer to me I close my eyes waiting for something to happen. My heart beat start racing, and then I felt her soft lips on my forehead. Forehead kisses is the best.

"I love you so much Ryujin" she said making my heart get flattered. I opened my eyes and I met hers.

"I love you too Yeji" I said and kiss the tip of her nose. Due to sudden action I buried my face on the crook of her neck and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back while giggling.

I am currently sitting at the back stage waiting my turn to perform on stage. After the event earlier Yeji accompanied me here and she also told me that she will be watching me dancing. I can't help but to feel nervous, what if she doesn't like my performance? What if she leave me because of that? No ofcourse she won't do that, I know Yeji.

"For the our special number please welcome The campus dance master Shin  Ryujin!" The emcee introduced me. As I step my feet on the stage the crowd went loud and wild, maybe they're waiting for me this year. I scanned my eyes on the crowd to find that cat eyed girl and there she was smiling to me while raising her thumbs up. I smiled to her before I start performing.

"AN: So guys! Ryujin is dancing to look what you made me do. You know it guys"

After I finished the performance I heard the applause of the crowd, some are even whistling then screaming my name. I bowed to them and leave the stage. While walking to changing room someone approached me, it's a boy I guess he's one the member of the boy band they invited today.

"Hi" he greeted me with smile. I won't deny it, he's a good looking person.

"Hello" I said in my monotone voice greeting him back. I hope he gets my message that I'm not interested to him.

He scratched his nape "are you free later?" He asked shyly. I just look at him for a moment before answering him.

"No, I have a date with my girlfriend later" when I said that his eyes widened and shocked. I passed on him and went inside the changing room to change my outfit. After I change, I opened the door to see Yeji leaning on the wall. When she notice me I put my genuine smile and walk towards to her.

"You're great, now I know why many girls wants you." Yeji said with a hint of jealousy in her voice. I chuckled because she looks so cute when she's jealous. I stop on my tracks that made her stop too.

"You're the only one I want baby"I huskily said and her face became redden that made me laugh. She playfully smacked me.

"Let's go! I want to introduce you to someone who's special to me"she said while smiling and even though she's smiling I can see the sadness in her eyes. I interlocked our fingers with each other and start walking to parking area.

Yeji's POV
We stopped at cemetery I looked at Ryujin and she's confuse. Maybe she's wondering now why are we here. I opened the door for her and she went outside. We are walking in silence until we reached our destination. My mother's tomb. I lighten up the candles while removing some dried leaves on her grave. I hold Ryujin hand, I looked at her and gave her an assuring smile.

"Eomma, Remember the girl I always talked about? She's here now, her name is Ryujin and she's my girlfriend now. Are you happy eomma that I have a girlfriend now? I hope you are." I glance at Ryujin she's smiling because of what I said. "Ryujin, this is my mother. She died the day I was born. I know it's my faul—" I didn't finish what I'm saying when Ryujin cut me off.

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