Season 2 Episode 30: I Dream of Meanie

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The blues and Ghost, with Tex in Lopez's body, and Church as a ghost

Church: Get out of my body right now, Tex!

Tex: Your body? This isn't your body, I stole it!

Church: Yeahah, but I stole it first!

Sheila: I am confused, I thought your name was Lopez. And I thought you were a man. This is all so strange. I feel like my circuits are crossed... and I like it.

O'Malley: I know how to get her out of there... (Aims gun at Tex)

Tex: ...

O'Malley: ...wink.

Church: Caboose, don't. Look, just go explain to Sheila and hang out with Ghost, okay?

Caboose runs up and kneels on Sheila while kneeling next to Ghost while they talk

Tex: Wait Ghost! I thought he was on the other team?!

Ghost: I temporary switch side because I can't stand them anymore they are so fucking annoying!

Tex: Well I'm excited, I will make you mine and mine alone...

Church: Alright Tex, now what's it gonna take to get you outta there?

Tex: Well ever since I've been a ghost, I've been watching you guys a lot.

Tucker: Whoa, when you say you've been watching us, does that mean you've been watching us all the time?

Camera shows a rock that says in teal letters "Keep out! Tucker's Rock! Private!"

Tucker: Like even when we're alone?

Tex: Yes Tucker, and you should be very ashamed of yourself.

Tucker: It's very lonely out here. Who have you been watching the most

Tex: Why must you know?

Tucker: No reason Bow Chicka Bow Wow.

Tex: If you must know I've been watching... Everyone equally... Mostly Ghost...

Church: What do you say?

Tex: Nothing! Anyway, I've noticed a change in one of your guys. Caboose.

Church: A change? Like what, he's finally learned the whole alphabet?

Tex: You haven't noticed that he's become increasingly aggressive lately?

Tucker: I have. Started about the same time Sheila got disabled, and you got blown up. I tried to tell Church, but he never listens.

Church: Tucker, there's a very fine line between not listening, and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life.

Fade to a flashback to episode 18

Tex: I had just finished repairing the tank, when I overheard Church's plan to warn the reds about me.

Church: (in flashback) I guess I'm gonna do the only thing I can do. I gotta warn the reds.

Fade back to current age and time... well, the age and time of RvB... you know what I mean

Tex: From what I can tell, the A.I. calculated the odds of survival, and didn't like the results.

Fade to a flashback to episode 19

Tex: Once Caboose turned on his radio to call Church, it took its chance.

Caboose: (in flashback) Calling Private Church. Come in Church.

Fade back to now ...ish

Tucker: And that was when he said his name was O'Malley. So the A.I. that was in you infected Caboose?

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