Season 9 Chapter 2: The Twins

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Fade in to Freelancer Command, from the end of the previous episode

Counsellor: Our, operatives are, in position, Director.

Director: Good, send them in.

Counsellor: If I may say, Sir, my testing indicates that this, might not be the best, team for the job.

Director: The system will determine what's best, Counsellor. The system will determine the order. Send them in.

Fade to two guards walking the beat, shooting the shit, but not actually shooting anything because they're not holding their guns that way

Guard 1: Christ, is it cold or what?

Guard 2: How cold do you think it is?

Guard 1: It, it has to be below freezing, right?

Guard 2: Well there's ice, so, yeah. Freezing.

Guard 1: Patrolling in the ice, give me a fucking break.

Bjorndal Cryogenics Research Facility - Arctic Ocean

Guard 1: You know who doesn't have patrol, in the middle of the night, in the ice?

Guard 2: I'm sure you'll tell me.

Guard 1: Jenkins.

Guard 2: Euh.

Guard 1: I bet Jenkins is sleeping right now. Back in his rack, with his big fuckin' melonhead, on a soft pillow.

Guard 2: Yeah, that's Jenkins.

Guard 1: You know I had terminal duty eight weeks straight? Eight weeks man!

Guard 2: Ea, lucky you.

Guard 1: And I make one fucking comment about the CO to Jenkins-

Guard 2: Huh, that's great.

Guard 1: And the next thing you know-

A cable descends above Guard 2, pulling him up by the neck, while Guard 1 isn't looking

Guard 1: I'm out on patrol. Jenkins gets my terminal duty, and I get to freeze my ass off out here, with... Murphy? Come on, Murphy, hey, where are ya? Murph?

He draws his gun

Guard 1: Stop messin' around, Murph! ...Murph!

Voice like Murphy's: Yeah, in here. I thought I heard somethin'.

Guard 1: Oh yeah? What'd you hear? A ghost?

He walks through the door and sees a pool of blood on the ground, looks up and sees Murphy

South: Yeah, I guess you could say something like that.

Agent South Dakota's voice changes from sounding like Murphy to sounding like herself

Guard 1: What the fuck-

He tries to draw on her, but she knocks the gun away and knocks him down a very deep hole, which has no railings on it for some reason

South: Hey, we clear?

Pan up to see her brother North Dakota on a rooftop with a sniper rifle

North: Yes South, you're clear. But watch your corners; the smoke is good for cover, but it's playing hell with my thermals. And the cold isn't helping.

South: What's the time?

North: Don't worry about the time. Worry about the objective. Next patrol's in twenty seconds.

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