Out of Mind Part 3

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Credits come in over shots of a city, which later pan down to reveal someone at a door

Commercial District. Tex comes up behind the guy at the door and points her gun at him

Tex: Alright freeze!

Guy: Oh... Sorry officer, I uh, lost my keys to my shop here and I was, trying to figure out a way to, you know um...

Tex: You never were a very good liar York.

York: York, haven't been called York in a really long time. Hello Allison.

Tex: I haven't been called Allison in a really long time. You down to petty theft now York? Seems like a waste of your talents.

York: Hey, whatever pays the rent. There's not much call for a former infiltration specialist these days.

Ghost: I wouldn't say that my old friend.

York turns around and sees Ghost and instantly points his gun at Ghost only for him to take the gun and breaks it.

York: Only one person would break my guns when I ether angered him or someone close to him... Ghost is that you?

Ghost: Of course it is dumbass.

York: You're still dead to the world... I thought you actually died.

Ghost: I don't die York... I can't until I have stopped them... for what they did to us.

Tex: Anyways back on topic, I think that's about to change. There's a place we need to get into and they don't want me to get into it.

York:    You know, they never do? What do you think D, should we trust her?

A glowing green little man pops up next to his shoulder

D: Hmm, that depends. Is he still with her?

Tex: What the, you still have yours!?

D: (changing colours to ...salmon, I guess) Alarm, threat level raised. 71% chance of violent outcome.

York: Okay, take it easy.

D: (returning to green) Chance of defeating Agent Kentucky and Agent Texas in combat is extremely unlikely.

Tex: What's going on here?

York: Thank you D. Look, put the weapon down Tex. Delta's not a threat to anyone, never was. You know, if anyone should be nervous about onboard passengers around here it should be me.

Ghost: Tex you do know That I still have Valkyrie and Ophelia, Right... you didn't forget did you?

Valkyrie: Of course she forgot.

Ophelia: She has always been forgetful.

York: Ok, now i'm nervous.

Tex: Well don't be nervous. Omega's gone and Valkyrie along with Ophelia are fine. Remember they are full A.I.

York: ... Right

Delta:    Still a chance of defeating Agent Kentucky and Agent Texas: still very unlikely.

York: Okhay, I get it. Thank you, retire now.

Delta:    Executing. (shuts off)

York: Let's go inside.

Slowly cut to York, Ghost, and Tex inside an arbitrary building, as is their way

Tex: Nice place, you furnish it yourself?

York:    Actually, I had an interior decorator help me. ...She's dead now. Look, Tex, are you absolutely sure he's not anywhere in that head of yours?

Tex: Omega's gone. That's why I'm here.

York: Oh. Let me guess: he's gone, but that's not good enough. You wanna kill him too.

Tex:    He spent a lot of time in my head, York. You know what it's like: whatever they think, we think. Whatever we know, they know.

York:    Hyheah, I'm familiar. Remember all Reggie's dumb knock-knock jokes?

Tex: York, this is serious. Omega wants to do a lot of bad things. I already know where he is, I just need your help to get in.

York: Why?

Tex: He's not alone. Wyoming.

York: Uhh, speak of the devil. Okay, let's say I do this. What's in it for me?

Tex: Payback. How's the vision in your eye?

York: Still blurry... Hurts when I read.

Tex: Well then, how 'bout a little revenge?

York: You know, technically, you're the reason I have one bad eye.

Tex: No, technically I'm the reason you still have one good eye.

Ghost: Technically I'm the reason he has most of his eye. I'm lucky to even have my eye still working properly.

York: Yeah, Hhhh, whaddaya think, D?

Delta:    (reappearing) Agent Texas poses a serious risk to any mission. The spontaneous ejection of A.I. can be catastrophic to the psyche of an agent.

York: She seems okay to me.

Delta:    May I remind you what happened when Program Gamma removed itself from Agent Wyoming.

York: That won't be necessary, D. Look, what's your recommendation? We in or we out?

Delta: Tactical Matrix is incalculable. Outcome is uncertain. Chance of success is unknown. But, a little payback would be nice.

York: We're in.

Ghost: That was easy.

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