Reconstruction Season 6 Chapter 5

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Chairman: Dear Director.

Fade in to a base somewhere, with barricades and people behind them

Chairman: We can all understand that the shift from autonomy to oversight can be a difficult adjustment for anyone, but especially someone of your standing. In that spirit, we have attempted to accommodate your brief explanations to our serious inquiries. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to inform you, that even our trust has its limits.

Cut to Washington talking with a Private dressed all in black

Private: Sorry Sir, those are my orders. No-one can approach the crash site. You can't come in. Sorry.

Washington: I need to see that ship. Check my clearance if you need to.

Private: I know sir, but, it won't matter. They said I can't let anybody in. Anybody.

Washington: I have orders from Command, Private.

Private: So do I. These came from the Director himself. ...Look sir, I'd- I'd like to help you, I really would, but this investigation thing... apparently they've started talking to people within the Recovery force. Now everything's getting locked down. You get Command to call me and tell me different, I can let you in. Until then, there's nothing I can do. You can use Red Base if you wanna make some calls. That facility's already been swept.

Washington: Fine, I understand.

Washington walks back to The other five

Washington: *sigh* We have a problem.

Caboose: I hope it isn't a math problem.

Dhuka: <It isn't Caboose>

Caboose: Good, I am bad at those.

Washington: They've got the crash site locked down.

Church: Oh great. We couldn't have found that out on the radio? We had to walk here?

Washington: They said we could use this base if we want.

Ghost: That can work.

Church: Wow, the empty concrete base? Is it our birthday?

Caboose: I want cake.

Church: Can't we find somewhere nicer to hang out? Hey maybe there's like a, cool nightclub nearby that you can't get us into either. That would be awesome.

Washington: Ghost you're with me. You four just, stay here. We'll go draw off the guards. When we give you the signal, use that grav-lift.

Church: The what? How do we use it?

Washington: Just step in to it. It'll do the rest. Meet us at the ship.

Church: Okay, what's the, signal?

Church turns around, and both Washington and Ghost are already gone

Church: God dammit, I hate when they do that.

Caboose: When they do wha- hey! Where's Agent Washington and Ghost?

Sister: They will do it quick.

Dhuka: <Let us hope>

They wait a while. Exciting, isn't it?

Caboose: What do you think They'll do for a distraction?

Church: Who knows, probably like, you know, make a noise, or throw a rock. That's what I would do.

In the distance a vehicle is blown in to the sky and a siren starts sounding

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