chapter 1 : naira's life

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"Baby? Where are you? Please come on out..!"I called out but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Baby..!"I called out going into the balcony. I looked around but he wasn't here. I'm sure he's hiding from me.

"Fine fine! I am going then. I will go eat the cake by myself. Also you know my cakes always taste the best! So bye bye! No more cake for you!"I lied with a smile and turned around.

"Mamaa...!"I heard his voice.

I turned around to see my four year son Kairav running towards me. He came and hugged me tightly making me smile.

"Well well well you didn't want the cake right?!"I asked with a mischievous look. I picked him up and smiled.

Kairav hugged me tightly and kissed on my cheek.

"Uff oh you know I love your cakes. Why do you even need to ask me mumma?!"he asked with a smile making me smile but deep down somewhere kairav reminded me off him.

"Okay fine. Let's go in..!"I said and he nodded. We both went inside.

As we walked in I saw Lisa, my only friend here in Goa and kairav's best friend come.

"Hey BFF!"she said with a smile.

"Lisaaa!!"Kairav shouted jumping down my arm and ran to her.

Lisa owns a tattoo shop here and has been helping me ever since I came here.

"Acha Naira Suno..there is a party next Sunday nearby. And I need you and Kairav to come as well!"Lisa said.

"Party? No Lisa. You know that I hate parties right?!"I said

"Please Naira. Only this once. Tell her na Kairav!"she said and I looked at Kairav

"Mama please...let's go...!"Kairav asked with puppy eyes.

Who can say no to him?

"Okay but we will be back home by 9pm! Deal?!"I asked

"Deal!"Both Lisa and Kairav said with a smile.

"Lisa come. I baked a chocolate cake. Let's have it!"I said

"Wow Naira I love you're cakes. I'm starving too!"Lisa said with a smile and we three went into the kitchen to eat.


After completing I kept the plates in the sink and went to Kairav.

"Alright guys I will see you guys tomorrow. Bye! Bye BFF!"she said and kissed on kairav's cheek

"Bye!"we both said in sync with a smile and Lisa left.

"Okay's past 8:30pm chalo let's give you a warm shower and get you ready for bed. Tomorrow is you're first day of school! Come come let's hurry!"I said

"Okay mumma...!"Kairav said with a smile and we both went into our rooms.

After getting Kairav to take a shower I tucked him in bed.

I took his glasses and shuffled his hair making him smile.

"Good night my baby..!"I said kissing on his forehead.

"Good night mumma!"he said with a smile.

I switched off the light and went to the other side of the bed.

I sat down on the floor and looked at Kairav who slept soon.

I couldn't help but think of him. I couldn't help but think of Kartik.

I haven't seen him or my family members in five years.

I took my phone and opened the gallery and the deleted folder in it.

I saw many pictures of him and us. I swiped them and saw the happy us back then.

But one night changed our life's for good.

I slowly cried thinking about my family and Kartik.

Kairav is growing and from tomorrow onwards he will go to school. He will ask me about his dad for sure.

These four years I somehow managed to raise him without him questioning me about his dad but what will I do now?

I wiped my tears thinking about why life was being so unfair to me.

Kairav is the only person I have left and is the person who I love so much. I can't afford to loose him in anyways. No one can ever take him away from me.

He is Kartik aur Naira's Ka Kairav.


Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed the first chap.

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