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Naira was in the seventh month of her pregnancy. Her mood swings were annoying her very crazily.

Right now she was sitting on the bed reading a magazine.

"Jaan! It's time for you juice!"Kartik said coming into the room.

"Look he is here and now he will start irritating me again!"Naira said to herself and gave him a fake smile.

"Come on jaan drink it fastly!"He said sitting next to her and bringing it close to her mouth.

"Kartik,please not now. I don't want to drink it..!"Naira said and pouted.

"Nope! You know that won't work. You should follow everything according to the schedule I made! Now quietly drink this!"Kartik said. Naira glared at him and drank it as she had no other choice. As she drank Kartik had a victory smile on his face.

Once she finished drinking she gave the glass to Kartik and looked away in anger.

"Aww my Sherni is angry at me huh?"He asked and Naira didn't reply him and still looked away. Kartik smiled and kissed on her cheek taking her by shock.

Naira was about to hit him with the pillow but stopped when Akshara came in.

"Mumma!"Naira said with a bright smile.

"Maa come on!"Kartik said with a smile and stood up. Akshara came and sat next to Naira.

"How are you feeling?"She asked

"Haa I am good!both of us are doing great!"Naira replied placing her hand on her baby bump.

"Of course she will be good Maa!I am here 24/7 to take of her!"Kartik said. Just then the alarm in his phone rang.

"Okay now I will go pick up Kairav from school and come! Don't get off the bed! Once I come back we will go for the evening walk okay?"Kartik said. Naira nodded helplessly. Kartik then left.

"Aww Kartik is taking care of you so well. Since the last few months he never left your side!"Akshara said with a smile.

"He is irritating me so much!! Mumma I don't know what you will do but please take me home with you! I don't want to stay here with that Mendak!"Naira snapped because of her mood swings.

"Naira! What are you saying? Kartik loves you so much and that is the reason why he is taking care of you like that!"Akshara said.

"He is caring and all! But he is also annoying! He doesn't let me leave the room. He doesn't even let me stand for sometime. He makes me eat and drink even when I am not hungry. He doesn't even let me breathe with all of this!"Naira shot.

"Naira..Come on..!"Akshara said but just then Naitik came inside.

"Mumma I don't know what you will do but take me to our house right now. At this time the girl will go to her parents house anyways so take me!"Naira said

"What's going on here?"Naitik asked and Akshara explained him what happened.

"It's okay then Akshara. If Naira wants to come there then what's the problem? Let's take her!"Naitik said.

Yours Forever - Kaira [ ✓ ]Where stories live. Discover now