chapter 32 : kartik tells the truth

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"Haa I got my memories back and what was more upsetting for me was you all keeping the truth away from me. Okay I lost my memories and you told me I met with an accident and all but did you all forget to tell me the most important thing?"Naira asked while everyone remained silent

"Kartik...I don't even know what to say about you. Once again your proved that you didn't change. If you cared about me you could have told me the truth instead of lying that we were married!"Naira shouted

"Naira this is not kartik's fault. The doctor's said a shocking news like this will effect your brain and could cause you trouble. That's why everyone stood to this decision!"Naksh said defending Kartik

"Bhai I found out the truth didn't I? Rishabh told me everything today when I met him earlier at the cafe when I was waiting for you and Bhabi. And then when I was in the car I started to remember everything. I guess that happened because of the shock I was in!"Naira said

"And you know what I thought then? I thought that Kartik was right and Rishabh was wrong. I believed in you Kartik when I forgot everything. But you used this as an excuse didn't you? To take my son away from me?"Naira said shocking everyone

"Naira! Are you even understanding what you are saying? Why will I take Kairav away from you. I would never do something like that to you!"Kartik said

"And I am supposed to believe you again? No thank you. I did the same thing in the past and understood the truth. I have no more need to believe you!"Naira said

"Look I won't stop you from meeting Kairav but just stay away from me. I don't want anything to do with you Kartik Goenka!"Naira said and left followed by her family members.

Kartik's family members tried to talk to him but he went to his room without saying another word. He locked the door and threw whatever was close to him onto the ground.

"Fine you chose to leave me again right? But you know what? This time I won't stay calm and sit around!"Kartik said shouting in anger

"5 years back you didn't give me a chance to explain everything and again you are doing the same Naira. That was my fault but this is not my fault. Whatever I did now was only to protect you and you can't keep blaming me for everything. I am done with this and you will listen to me and that's final!"Kartik said to himself.

Next day Naira was standing in the backyard thinking about Kartik. After she came to her house last night she was very angry but she slowly calmed down and thought that it was wrong when she blamed Kartik for the whole thing.

She understood it wasn't his fault but her ego was not letting her to forgive him.

As she was thinking about that Kartik too came. He was about to go in but saw Naira standing there. He walked towards her and grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him shocking Naira.

"Kartik?What are you doing?Let me go..!"Naira said trying to get out of his grip but failed. Kartik wrapped his hands around her waist and held her close to him.

"Kartik please let me go...I don't want to deal with this now!"she said but Kartik was definitely not going to listen

"Shut up! Don't say other word or else I will...!"Kartik said and placed his hand on her mouth making Naira to stay silent.

"How much you talk huh? Didn't you learn to give other's a chance to speak huh?"Kartik asked.

"Last time also you didn't give me a chance to explain and you are doing the same now. When you did that 5 years back I lost you. I thought I lost you for good. But you came back into my life and you're doing the same thing but this time I won't stay silent or lose you Naira so listen to me!"Kartik said

"Okay starting off with what happened during college. I admit it. I was stupid. I was so stupid and a idiot. I know I should have never placed that bet because of my rivalry with Rishabh! But I did. But as I got to know you I fell in love with you. Naira ever since you came into my life it has always been you. I didn't even remember that there was bet. Because I loved your truly and sincerely!"Kartik said while Naira stayed silent listening to his words.

"And you want to know why I kept the truth hidden from you? It was because I didn't want to lose you or I didn't want you to hate me because I can't live with the fact that you hate me or left me! I can't because I am mad for you. You have no clue how I lived my life in the last 5 years. I was alive but I had no soul inside me. It died the second I found out you were no more...I felt alive when I saw you at the engagement...!"

"And coming to the accident and your memory loss...the doctor's said your brain can't handle the news. I didn't have any option when you asked me what happened to us in the last 5 years. I couldn't tell you that you left me so that's why I had to lie that we got married so you can get better. I was aware that one day when you get your memories back something like this would come. First I wasn't ready but now I am. I am ready to face whatever consequences but Naira I just want to say one thing...!"Kartik said and Naira was already having tears in her eyes

"Before I met you I was the worst person. But you changed me into a good human being. I hated my father and mother so much but you made me close to my family again. You gave me the best happiness of my life..our son..our Kairav..Naira I am not mad at you because you hide my son from me because I know the reason why you did that was because of me and I know you can't forgive me for it but please give me one more make everything right Naira..I can't live my life without you or our son...please Naira...!"Kartik confessed and asked sincerely and he took his hand away from her mouth.

"And i know this is so much for you to take but I will wait for you answer and I really hope you will make the right decision this time Naira...!"Kartik said and left leaving a confused Naira.

It has been two days since kartik's confrontation. Naira didn't call Kartik or neither did Kartik. He wanted to give her some space but he eagerly waited for her answer.


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