chapter 30 : naira's dilemma

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When Kartik pulled away Naira gave him a confusion look.

"I think papa is calling...I will be back in sometime!"Kartik said and left without even giving a chance for Naira to speak.

"What happened to him? I have been noticing since I came home. He's trying to distance himself from me...did something happen between us or what?"Naira thought

" can't lose control around her..this is wrong and you can't even think about it!"Kartik said to himself as he went downstairs.

When he went downstairs his family members were in the living room.

"What happened?Is everything okay?Why are you guys silent?"Kartik questioned

"How is Naira feeling now Kartik?"Suvarna asked

"Haa Maa she's feeling better!"Kartik said

"Kittu I think you should tell Naira the can't lie to her...and Naira kept your son away all these can't just...!"Suhasini started but Kartik stopped her

"Dadi don't even think about saying that. You think I can't forgive her? I sure can! I know Naira kept my son away from me but what I did was also bad. You can't blame her only! This is both of our fault!"Kartik said angrily

"Kartik please calm down..Naira is coming...!"Suvarna said as she saw Naira came down the stairs.

Naira luckily didn't hear anything. Kartik and everyone got silent when Naira came.

"Good morning!"Naira said with a smile.

"Good morning beta!"Manish said with a smile 

"Naira do you want to go see Kairav? It's time to wake him up anyways!"Kartik said and Naira nodded.

Kartik and Naira then went to kairav's room. They turned on the light and went towards the bed. Naira sat next to Kairav and adored him caressing his cheek.

"Look how cute he is Kartik!"Naira said with a smile

"Of course he is. He got his papa's cuteness!"Kartik said sarcastically

"Oh so all qualities are only yours huh?"Naira asked

"Of course he has your temper only!"Kartik said which made Naira laugh

"I just really want to remember everything!especially everything related to our son!"Naira said

"You will Naira. Don't worry!"Kartik said placing his hand on her shoulder. Just then Kairav too woke up.

"Mama...?"he said sleepily opening his eyes slightly

"Good morning my baby!"Naira said with a smile. Kairav immediately opened his eyes and hugged her quickly

"Mama you are back. I missed you so much!!"he said

"I missed you too so much my baby...!"Naira said while Kartik adored his two lifelines.

"Mama promise me you will never go anywhere leaving me!"Kairav said

"No baby I won't go anywhere! I promise you!"Naira said kissing on his forehead.

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