chapter 7 : naira sees kartik

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"Baby? Where we you yaar? You scared me so much!"Naira said hugging Kairav as he and Liza came to Naira.

"Sorry mama..!"he said cutely holding his ears.

"Please if you want to go to washroom or anywhere please tell me and go...!"Naira said and Kairav nodded.

"Liza shall we go home?"Naira asked

"Haa Naira lets go!"Liza said with a small smile and the three of them walked towards the exit.

Naira held kairav's hand as they walked out. Kartik who stood near the entrance was walking in. Him and Naira again were walking towards each other with noticing.

As they went past each other their hands touched and this time both of them felt something. Naira suddenly stopped and so did Kartik.

But kartik's phone rang in the time. Kartik looked the caller ID and saw it was Vedika. He shook his head and answered the call going off.

Naira turned around to see who it was but she saw no one. She shook her thoughts aside and walked out.

"Haa Vedika?"Kartik said answering the call and she remained silent.

"Vedika? Is everything okay? Why are you so silent?"Kartik asked

"Haa Kartik everything is good. I just called in to ask how are you?"she said

"Yeah I am good!"Kartik replied normally.

"How was your flight?"she asked

"Why is she asking me this all?"Kartik asked himself

"Kartik?"she called

"Haan...Vedika I am a bit tired. I will talk to you later!"Kartik said and ended the call before Vedika can say anything else.

Meanwhile in the Goenka villa Vedika looked at pallavi who heard the conversation as it was in loud speaker.

"He must be tired!"pallavi said and Vedika nodded.

"Did you talk to his Dadi again about your engagement?"pallavi asked

"Dadi said she will convince him somehow but I heard Suvarna maa saying that Kartik will never agree to this because....!"Vedika said and trailed off

"Because?"pallavi asked

"Because of Naira...!"she said and looked at pallavi

"Who? Kartik's ex girlfriend?"Pallavi asked and Vedika nodded

"I mean what about her?"Pallavi asked

"Kartik changed a lot after that day five years back. I don't know what exactly happened five years back but I heard that Kartik and naira got into a huge fight before their wedding and Naira left. As she drove away there was an accident and she died...which changed Kartik a lot...I don't know why they fought but I think it was a really big fight...!"Vedika explained

"Vedika you can't change what happened in kartik's past. Dadi promised you she will get you married to Kartik right?"pallavi asked and Vedika nodded.

"Then why are you this scared? Relax and everything will go well! And I better leave now!"pallavi said and left.

Meanwhile Kartik sat near the bar and had few drinks. He head was aching because of the drinks he had.

He looked towards the stage where everyone were dancing happily to the songs.

Kartik didn't know what took over him but he saw a girl and when she turned around he realized it was naira. Kartik happily went towards her and hugged her.

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