chapter 43 : a misunderstanding

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Few months later

It has been few months since Kartik and Naira got married. In these few months Kartik spent him most of the time with Kairav trying to get to know him completely and know everything about him which he has missed in kairav's childhood.

Once and a while Naira used to feel bad because of her Kartik missed kairav's childhood but she didn't show it as she knew Kartik would get mad at her for her thinking like that.

Teej was tomorrow and Naira was determined to keep vrat for Kartik this year. The ladies decided their plan for that day.

"Maa then it's decided on what we will do on teej day naa. So you guys make the list of the things you need. I will go and get them!"Naira said.

"Okay Naira. I will write it and give you!"Suvarna said and Naira nodded.

"Naira as you are going out can I also come with you. I need to get something for Vansh's school project!"Gayu said

"Haa sure Gayu di. Once Maa finishes making the list we will go. Meanwhile I will go get my phone and purse!"Naira said and then went into her room.

After she took her purse and phone she was about to leave the room but bumped with Kartik.

"Kartik? How come you are home already?"Naira asked in confusion.

"You should be happy I am here. Come with me!"He said with a smile and pulled her inside the room closing the door.

"What are you doing? Open the door!"Naira said and was about to go but Kartik wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close to him.

"This is not fair. I made up an excuse to papa and came home for you and now you want to leave? Naira No!"Kartik said.

"Look I don't have time for all of this. I am going out with Gayu Di. I need to go now!"Naira said trying to get out of his grip.

"Arey yaar! You are too much! I came for...!"He started ranting but was stopped by Naira when she placed her hand on his mouth.

"I know you came for me but teej is tomorrow. We need some things for the puja and vrat. I need to go now. So let me go!"Naira said.

"Acha fine, but I have one condition to let you!"he said. Naira sighed and quickly pecked on his cheek.

"This was your condition right? Now let me go! Bye bye!"Naira said and left while Kartik smiled and went off to get changed.


Naira and Gayu arrived at the supermarket. While Naira was getting things for the puja, Gayu went to get stationary for Vansh.

While Naira was busy picking things someone called her.

"Naira?"Naira turned around to see Rishabh standing there.

"Oh boy,Not again!"Naira thought as she saw him.

"Hi"Naira replied normally.

"Naira,How are you feeling now?"He asked.

"I am better. Thank you for asking!"Naira replied

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