chapter 5 : kairav and kartik's first talk

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"Papa...!"Kairav said shocking Kartik.

"I'm sorry beta you must have called the wrong number...I have no son....!"Kartik said.

"Nahi are my papa!"Kairav said

"But beta...!"Kartik said but stopped when the phone call ended

Kartik looked at his phone which was switched off because the battery died.

Meanwhile Naira walked out of the shower dressed.

"Kairav?!"she called out but she got no response.

"Baby?"she called out looking around. She went to the lawn and called out kairav's name but she got no response.

Naira grabbed her phone and opened it. She suddenly stopped when she saw his contact open.

It was kartik's number which Naira still saved under the name of Mendak.

Naira was really scared on where Kairav is.

Naira ran out and ran towards the church. She rushed inside and saw Kairav speaking on the phone.

"Papa...!"Kairav said and naira's whole world stopped. She immediately ran to Kairav.

Kairav looked at phone which was snatched away from him.

He looked to see his mama who was really worried and scared.

"Baby what are you doing here?!"Naira said hugging Kairav.

"Mama I called to papa!"he said shocking Naira

"What...!"Naira asked in shock

"Haa mama!"she said

"Nahi baby you must be mistaken...come on let's go home!"Naira said.

"Mama no....but...!"he said

"Kairav stay quiet!"Naira shouted. She didn't want to shout at him. She didn't know why she did but she had to keep Kairav quiet.


Naira and Kairav came home. Kairav was sad and he remained silent.

Kairav pulled his hand from Naira's grip and went to their room.

"I'm sorry baby...but I can't afford to loose you....!"Naira thought wiping her tears away.

Kartik also reached home and searched for him family members.

"Papa? Maa?"Kartik called out.

Then Vansh and their care taker santhoshi came.

"Vansh where are everyone?"Kartik asked vansh

"They went to shopping along!"Vansh replied

"Shopping?"Kartik asked and looked at santhoshi

"Ji sir. They also took vedika Mam with them. They said they will be back soon!"she replied

Kartik nodded and then went off inside to his room. He quickly charged his phone.

Kartik waited for his phone to charge again so he can call to that number again

"Wait why am I so eager to call? It's not like he is my son. What am I getting myself into?!"Kartik spoke to himself.

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