chapter 12 : kartik saves naira

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Flashback Continues

During the party Naira was with her friend the whole time as rishabh went somewhere with his friends.

"Where did rishabh go?he said he will drop me at home at this time but he is nowhere to be seen..!"Naira said to Tanvi.

"I am sure he is around here somewhere!"She replied.

"You wait here. I will go search for him and come"Naira said. Tanvi nodded and then Naira went.

Naira looked around for rishabh but he was not here anywhere. Then she saw his friend standing some distance away from her and talking to someone.

"Hey,Have you seen rishabh?"Naira asked going towards him.

"No I haven't seen him in a while. Shall I go search for him?"he asked

"Yes please..he said he will drop me at our house and it's getting late and i should go now!"Naira said

"Haa okay Naira..I will go search for him!"he said. Naira nodded and then he left.

In the meantime Naira went into the washroom and washed her face.

After she finished she went out of the washroom. The second she stepped out she was pinned to the wall

"What the hell?"Naira shouted and saw rishabh.

"Rishabh?What are you doing?Let me go!"Naira shouted trying to get out of his grip but failed.

"Naira..!"he said with a smirk.

"Are you drunk?"Naira asked in shock

"You promised me you would never drink!Did you forget?You promised me you would never ever drink!Then what is this?"Naira shouted.

"Ahh shut up!You talk so much!"he shouted back taking Naira by shock.

"You are unbelievable!You better let me go or else you will regret this!"Naira shouted.

"I am not afraid you Singhania! I have known you since childhood. You can't harm me!"he said and Naira had enough. She gave him a tight slap taking him by shock. She pushed him away and got herself away from his grip.

"You are so dead in my hands for what you did rishabh!My father and brother will handle you tomorrow!"Naira said angrily and was about to walk but rishabh grabbed her hand forcefully and turned her towards him and gripped her shoulders.

"Oh really?you think I am afraid of them?i am damm sure they can't do anything!"he said

"I can't believe I even called you my friend!I feel so disgusting. You are showing me your true colors!"Naira said.

"You are also Naira!I thought you would be loyal to me but I guess not!"he shot

"What are you even talking about?"Naira shouted in anger

"Kartik Goenka!"he shouted

"Oh god!What the hell is your problem huh?yesterday also you asked me about him!I can't understand why you asking me this again and again!Nothing is going on between us!"Naira shouted.

"And I am done with you! You showed me your true colors! I never loved you more than a friend. I only accepted you because I didn't want to see you get hurt because you are my best friend. But I guess you are not even a human!"Naira shot and pushed him away. Naira was about to walk but rishabh got angry and pushed her making me her fall. Naira's forehead hit the ground and she winced in pain. She touched her bruised forehead which was now bleeding.

"This is what you deserve Naira Singhania!"he shouted and walked towards her.

Before he can touch her someone punched him making rishabh fall back.

It was none other than Kartik.

"Naira,are you okay?"he asked rushing to her. Kartik's blood boiled when he saw naira's forehead. He helped her stand.

"Are you okay..?"he asked and Naira nodded slowly with teary eyes. And that was it for Kartik. He went towards rishabh and started to trash him.

"How dare you huh?how dare you try to hurt her?"he shouted kicking him non stop. Naira ran to him and tried to stop him but he didn't.

"Kartik please stop..!"Naira cried and hugged him from the back making Kartik stop.

"Please..let him go..for my sake..!"Naira cried hugging him tightly.

Kartik turned around and hugged her not being able to see her cry.

"Shh it's okay..I am here naa..don't cry Naira please..!"he said hugging her. They stayed in each other's arms for some time. Kartik broke the hug and wiped her tears. Before she can say anything he grabbed her hand and walked out.

"I will drop you at home. Come..!"he said opening the car door for her. Naira nodded and sat. Kartik came to the other side of the car and opened the driver's seat and sat.

He noticed the wound on her forehead. He took the first aid kit out and started to clean it. Naira winced in pain slightly which did hurt kartik for seeing her in this situation.

After finishing he took the bandage out.

"Here it's done...don't worry it won't pain much now...!"he said while naira was just staring at him.

"Thank you...Kartik..!"she said.

"For what?"he asked looking down.

"For both saving me and for this...!"Naira said holding his hand. Kartik was lost in his own world after naira's touch. He didn't know what took over him he caressed her cheek. Before anything can happen there was a knock on the window which broke kartik's thoughts. He looked to see veer standing outside.

"Oh god..!"Kartik thought and quickly got down the car.

Naira remained in the car and looked at them from the inside. She noticed that they were arguing over something.

"This is wrong Kartik!"was all Naira heard.

After sometime his friend left and Kartik got back inside.

"Is everything okay?"Naira asked in concern.

"Yeah everything is great...!"he said avoiding eye contact with her.

"You guys seemed like arguing over something...!"Naira said slowly

"Oh it's nothing actually. We had a small issue earlier and veer is pretty angry about it. That's all. Nothing to worry!"Kartik said with a smile and Naira nodded.

After sometime Kartik stopped outside naira's house.

Naira took her seat beat off and then looked at Kartik.

"Thank you once again..!"she said with a small smile.

"Don't mention it Naira. I am happy nothing happened to you..!"he said.

"I will see you at college tomorrow then?"Naira said

"Yeah sure. I will see you tomorrow. Good Night. Don't think about what happened okay?just get some rest and sleep peacefully..!"Kartik said and Naira nodded.

"Bye..!"she said.

"Bye!"Kartik said and then Naira got down and went inside the Singhania sadan.

Kartik waited there till she went inside. After she went in he then drove off.


Hey guys!

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. ❤️

Thank you so much for 5k+ reads. This book is special to me as its my first ever book on Kaira. Thank you for the love and support you have been showing this book. Means a lot to me💛

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