chapter 6 : kartik in goa

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After Naira ended the call with the father she sat in the corner leaning to the wall.

"Today the day was the day I feared the most...Kairav spoke to Kartik...why did I still keep kartik's number in my phone? Even after everything he did to me....!"Naira said to herself as she cried.

"I miss my family so mother,father,brother and everyone..I wanted to go back but I couldn't. And the reason was Kartik! He did something which I can never forgive him for...if I go back I know what Kartik will do. He will fight for kairav's custody and he will take away the most important thing from me which is my baby Kairav...I can't loose my Kairav...!"Naira said to herself wiping her tears.

Naira walked to her room and saw Kairav sleeping on the bed peacefully. She went and sat next to him.

"Baby..I am so sorry...but I can't let you meet your papa...!"Naira whispered.

"You don't need anyone else as long as you have me baby...!"Naira said kissing on kairav's cheek.

Next day was Sunday and Kartik was getting ready to leave for Goa.

He was checking the important papers one last time before packing them in the living room.

Manish was handing him the files and telling him about the deal and Kartik listened.

"Okay papa I will take care of everything don't worry!"Kartik said with a small smile standing up.

Kartik looked around for his phone but he couldn't find it. He was about to go upstairs but stopped when Vedika gave him his phone with a smile.

" you..!"Kartik said with a small smile.

"You left it on the nightstand next to the stairs...!"Vedika said and Kartik remained silent as he packed his files in his bag.

"Okay then papa I will be off then. I will call you once I reach!"Kartik said hugging Manish

"Have a safe trip Kartik and good luck! I will text you the hotel details..!"Manish said and Kartik nodded.

Kartik hugged his Dadi and Maa before leaving.

"Have a safe trip and good luck...!"Vedika said with a smile.

"Thank you...!"Kartik said and left.


"Naira!"Liza said coming inside naira's house.

"Oii Liza the pizza! Don't you have any better job than coming to my house!"Kairav asked sitting on the sofa

"Hey! Who are you ordering me huh? I am older than you!"Liza said in fake anger

"I am smarter than you!"Kairav replied

"Acha...!"Liza said tickling him. Naira came out of the kitchen as she heard kairav's happy laugh. She smiled happily with listening her son's laughter.

"Please God bless my Kairav to be happy and laugh like this always...!"Naira said to herself and went into the living room.

"Okay okay enough enough...!"Naira said separating them

"What's up?"Naira asked

"Acha the party is tonight so be ready by 7pm okay?"Liza said

"But...!"Naira started but trailed off when Liza spoke

"But we will be back by 9pm and that's my promise Naira!"Liza said in beforehand making Naira chuckle.

"Liza..where is the party?"Naira asked

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