chapter 27 : naira learns the truth?

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After spending sometime together Kartik decided to leave.

"I will see you tomorrow. Get some rest okay?Kartik asked holding her hands and Naira nodded with a smile.

Kartik then went downstairs and Naksh handed him his phone.

"Kairav has been calling non stop. You should talk to him!"Naksh said

"Haa I will talk to him...!"Kartik said and Naksk nodded. Naksh was about to go but stopped when Kartik spoke

"Naksh listen to me once..!"Kartik said. Naksh turned around to face him.

"Thank you..even after knowing what happened you decided not to tell Naira the truth. I really appreciate it"Kartik said

"It doesn't mean I am okay with whatever you did to my sister back then. I am not saying anything because naira's health concern's this.But thank you for thinking about her health...!"Naksh said.

"There is no need to thank me. I am doing whatever you would do. This all happened because of me and it started because of me and only I can fix this. Please have some trust in me!"Kartik replied and then left.

After sometime Kartik reached home. When he entered the house he saw all of his family members trying to console Kairav who was crying non stop.

"Kairav!"Kartik shouted and ran towards him

"What happened baby?Why are you crying?Did someone say something to you?"Kartik questioned

"Papa I want to meet mama right now. Please take me to her or tell her to come here!"Kairav said while he cried.

"Beta,I told you naa mama has some important work and that's why she's staying at mamu's house. She will come meet you in few days!"Kartik said

"Nahi papa! I want to meet mama right now! I want to be with her only!"Kairav said being adamant.

"Kairav don't make me repeat myself. I said you can't meet her now and you can't!"Kartik said getting slightly angry

"Papa please..I don't want to stay here if mama doesn't come or if you won't let me meet her!"Kairav said

"Fine you want to meet your mama? Okay I will take you but before that listen to what I have to say!"Kartik said

"Come with me!"he said picking him up and took him upstairs to his room. Kartik made Kairav sit on the bed and kneeled down infront of him.

"Kairav..please listen to what I have to say..!"Kartik said and Kairav remained silent

"Two days back your mama met with an accident and she doesn't remember you...we are trying out best but the doctor said we can't tell her the truth yet and she needs some time. She doesn't know that you are born so that's why I am keeping you away from me beta I will tell her the truth and mama will come here in few days and we three will live happily okay?"Kartik explained

"But papa is mama okay now?"Kairav asked and Kartik nodded

"There is nothing to worry. She's perfectly fine. Only the problem is she doesn't remember what happened in her life after you were born but I promise you she will remember it very soon. So I hope you understand me and understand why I am keeping you away from her. It's just a matter of few days Kairav!"Kartik said

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