chapter 44 : kaira's fight

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"How did you find out about it?"Naira asked

"That is not what we are talking about right now. I want to know why you met him!"Kartik said

"I didn't go to meet him or anything. We met at the supermarket and we just talked. That's all Kartik!"Naira said

"Fine. If you just met what was the need to talk to him huh? You know what he has done to us both. Naira our fight mainly started only because of him. What if he tries to come into our lives again huh?"Kartik shouted in anger.

"Kartik, you trust me right? Of course nothing like that will happen. And I told Rishabh to never meet again. You don't need to worry Kartik!"Naira said holding his hands but he pulled his hands away out of her grip.

"Were you even planning to tell me this or did you decide to keep it to yourself?"Kartik asked

"Kartik, what are you saying..I can't believe you are asking me like this. Of course I was planning to tell you but I thought it would be best to tell you after teej. I didn't want to ruin your mood Kartik!"Naira said and hugged him from the back while Kartik didn't utter a word.

"Kartik, this is our first teej together after so many years. I wanted this to be special. Please forget about this so we can spend it together. Please..!"Naira said looking at him but he didn't say anything and he remained silent.

Naira felt very hurt due to his silence. It started to bother her while Kartik didn't know how to react so he stayed silent.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk about it or with me then I will celebrate teej at my house. If you can't act mature that's Not my problem!"Naira said and left the house to go to her house.

Just as Naira left Suvarna witnessed the whole scene. She decided to go talk to Kartik.

"Kartik, where is Naira going?"She asked

"To her house"Kartik replied

"But why? What happened suddenly?"Suvarna asked

"Maa I don't want to talk about it"Kartik said and went into his room.

After sometime Naira arrived at her house. Akshara was the first one to see Naira come in.

"Naira? What are you doing here? Come on in!"Akshara said as Naira came in. Everyone saw her come and came to meet her.

"Did you come alone or did Kairav and Kartik too come?"Naksh asked

"No Bhai, I came alone. I wanted to see you so I came"Naira lied and then looked around for Naitik

"Mumma,where is papa?"Naira asked

"Naitik had some work so he went out. He will be back sometime. Now good you came. I was planning to make your favorite food. Come with me!"Akshara said and took Naira into the kitchen along with her.

While Akshara was cooking Naira stood next to her and was completely lost in her thoughts.

"What's wrong with Kartik? Why didn't he understand and why is he acting like this? Tomorrow is teej and I wanted everything to be perfect but he ruined everything! Kartik and his anger!"Naira said to herself. Naira didn't even realize Akshara was calling her.

"Naira! What are you thinking? I have been calling you!"Akshara said bringing Naira out of her thoughts

"No Mumma it's nothing. What did you say?"Naira asked

"There is salt there. Give me that box!"Akshara said. Naira nodded and handed her the sugar box instead of salt as she started thinking about Kartik again.

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