chapter 17 : naira's feelings

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Flashback Continues

"You what?"Naira asked finally gathering the courage to ask

"I said I love you...!"he said. Naira sighed and looked away 

"Naira,please look at me!"he said and she looked at him

"Kartik,I don't love you. Please understand me okay? I never saw you in that way. You were a great friend to me and you still are but that's just it. There is nothing more than that!"Naira said which broke kartik's heart

"I know this might change things between us..but you have to understand that I don't feel this way about you...!"Naira said and Kartik let go off her.

"You are right. I am sorry!"he said and before Naira could reply he left

"Oh god..what did I do now..?"Naira thought and went outside but Kartik was gone.

"Naira,what happened? Didn't you like the dress?"Ananya asked coming

"Ananya di I am sorry but I can't shop now. I have to go..!"Naira said and left.

In the night Naira sat on the bed holding her phone in her hand thinking whether or not to call Kartik.Naira finally decided to call and ended up calling but he didn't answer.

Naira went on calling him for 5 more times but he didn't answer and she tired for few more times but she got no response and now she's starting to get irritated by his behavior.

"He could talk it out with me but instead he chose to start ignoring my calls now!"Naira said to herself placing her phone next to her.

Next day Naira woke up and after she got ready she checked her phone to see if there are any missed calls from Kartik but no.

"I just hope he didn't do something stupid...!"Naira thought. After sometime she left for college. When she reached college she searched for Kartik but he was not there.

After three classes ended Naira finally got free and she didn't have anymore classes for the day and she knew Kartik didn't as well.

Naira searched the rest of places which she missed to cover this morning but she failed at finding him.

Naira entered the cafe and saw veer sitting along with his other friends. Fuming she walked towards them in anger.

"Naira..what are you doing here?"veer asked looking at Naira

"Where is Kartik?Is he ignoring me or what? Veer I know he is in college so you better tell me where the hell he is or else...!"Naira warned and trailed off

"Acha fine..he is the chemistry lab!"veer said.

"chemistry lab!got it!"Naira said and went out. When she walked out of the cafe she bumped into rishabh.

"Sorry!"Naira said and left without even looking at him.

"Naira seems to be in a hurry. What's wrong with her?I should find out!"he said and went after her quietly.

"This Kartik is so dead in my hands today!"Naira said as she walked towards the chemistry lab. Naira stopped on her tracks near the lab's window when she saw Kartik and he was not alone. There was some girl standing close to him and it looked like she was consoling him.

Naira immediately felt jealous seeing them that close. The next thing she did was she stormed into the room. When she opened the door Kartik and the girl were pretty shocked.

"Naira,what are you doing here?"Kartik asked standing up.

"You tell me. What the hell are you doing here?"Naira asked

"I am doing nothing..!"he replied blankly.

"I will leave you two to it. I will see you later. Bye!"the girl said

"Bye aashi!"Kartik replied and then aashi left.

"What is your problem huh? Why the hell weren't you answering my calls? You had no clue how much worried I was last night!"Naira shot in anger

"Why do you care huh?"he asked sitting back on the stool.

"What's that supposed to mean huh?"Naira shot

"Nothing! Just forget about it!"Kartik said ignoring eye contact with her

"Why the hell are you acting this way? Is this because I rejected your proposal? Geez Kartik grow up! You are not a kid okay?Act mature!"Naira said angrily.

"I am acting mature okay? That is why I am not fighting with you or trying to get you admit that even you have feelings for me!"he shot

"I know you feel the same for me Naira but you are scared to admit them. Because you fear that our relationship will also end up like how yours and rishabh's end!"he blurted out.

"That's it. I am out of here. I don't care okay? You can do whatever you want or whatever!I am so done with you!"Naira said angrily and left.

What two of them didn't know was rishabh listened to the whole conversation with his friend.

"This Kartik! He crossed his line!"rishabh said

"Talk to Naira bro!"his friend suggested

"Talk to her? This time she will slap me for sure!We need is a proof against Kartik. We need to make sure Naira understands what sort of guy he is. She may not be my girlfriend anymore but still she is my best friend and I will do whatever it takes to protect her!"rishabh said.

It was the prom night and Naira arrived at the college along with Tanvi.

Naira didn't want to come at all because she didn't want to face Kartik. But Tanvi kept on insisting till Naira agreed and she had no other choice.

Naira and Tanvi went in. Everyone were enjoying the prom while Naira was in no mood. Naira sat at the seating area as she had no interest in this whole drama but What got her more mad was Kartik dancing along with aashi. She honestly felt like crying seeing him like this.

"I had enough of this stupid Mendak!"Naira said to herself and left. She went to the backyard and stood there alone.

"I am scared to be in a committed relationship...I really am...he proposed me and it's been only one day since he did and now he's dancing with another girl. Wah he loves me so much!"Naira said to herself in anger.

"You know what you should do Naira? You should hate him. Hate him so much!"

"But I can't do that. I am in love with this Mendak. Who wouldn't fall for him. His charm,his innocence,his sense of humor,his care and ugh everything about him is so perfect....!"Naira thought to herself.

She turned around when she felt someone's presence behind her. She turned around and saw Kartik. She avoided eye contact with him. Kartik walked towards her and stood infront of her.

"I am sorry for how I have been acting since yesterday. I truly am. I feel like I am forcing you Naira. Which isn't a good thing. I can understand if you don't feel the same for me. I just came to say I will stop bothering you from now on...after Kirti and Naksh get married I will never show my face to you again! I am sorry for what I did!"he confessed and turned around to leave but stopped on tracks when Naira hugged him from the back.

"I love you too Kartik...!"she confessed making Kartik shocked but yet happy finally hearing her confession.


Hey guys!

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. ❤️

The flashback parts are coming to an end soon! In three to four chapters they will end!

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