chapter 28 : always there for you

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"How can you just lie to me Kartik? How could you keep something so huge like this from me huh? My family members hid about my memory loss from me and you too? I never expected this from you!"Naira said

"Naira I know what I did was wrong. Lying to you was wrong and trust me I didn't want to but I had no choice...!"Kartik said

"First I need you to calm down and I will explain everything to you. Please calm down and sit here...!"Kartik said and made Naira sit on the bed. Kneeling down infront of her he held her hands and looked at her.

"The doctor's said if we reveal it to you suddenly it might effect your memories more..that's why we all feared and decided to keep this news away from you until we think you are strong enough to handle this news..!"Kartik said

"Kartik tell me what did this accident happen and what did I forget? I mean how many years of my life did I forget?"Naira asked. Kartik didn't know what to answer as he himself was not prepared for this yet.

"This accident happened when you were crossing the road...!"Kartik said

"Okay but tell me since what I forgot? I mean how many years Kartik? And please tell me the truth. Don't lie to me!"Naira said

"Five forgot what happened from our graduation day till that accident two day back...!"Kartik said

"I can't believe this..why did this happen to me...?"Naira cried

"No no don't cry. Nothing happened to you Naira. I am here for you and I always will be there for you. You don't need to worry as along as I am with you...!"Kartik said wiping her tears.

"Then what about our baby?"Naira questioned

"We have a four year old son. His name is Kairav"Kartik said which made Naira extremely happy

"Really? That is making me so happy..where is he Kartik?"Naira asked

"He is at my house..I will bring him tomorrow!"Kartik said touching her face.

"What about us?"Naira asked catching Kartik off guard.

"What?What do you mean..?"Kartik asked slowly

"We did got married right?"Naira asked and Kartik remained silent as he didn't know what to say anymore now.

He wanted to tell her the truth but at the same time he didn't as he feared what might happen to her thinking about what the doctor said.

"Kartik answer me..!"Naira said but Kartik didn't utter a word.

"Kartik please say something...!"Naira said bringing him out of his chain of thoughts.

"5 years..we married five years back...!"he lied.

"Thank scared me for a second...!"Naira said and hugged him immediately but Kartik felt guilty for lying to her and wanted to make things right but he didn't have the courage to do so now.

"Kartik..I really want to see Kairav right now..please take me there...!"Naira said

"Naira not now. I mean it's getting late and Kairav is already sleeping...!"Kartik said trying to get an excuse to make her stay here for tonight.

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