chapter 33 : kaira's lone time

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At the Goenka villa Kartik was alone as his family members went to a party and they too Kairav along with them as well as Kairav wanted to be with Vansh.

Kartik was upstairs in his room thinking whether or not to call Naira.

"I should just give her some time. I told her that I will give her some time and I should!"Kartik thought and kept the phone on nightstand.

Just then Naira too reached the Goenka villa to meet Kairav.

When she came inside she looked around but no one was there.

"Kairav?"Naira called out but she got no response.

"Did everyone go out? And they took Kairav with them?"Naira thought

"Kairav,Are you here?"Naira said loudly and Kartik heard it but got confused.

"Naira's voice..this is her I dreaming or what?"Kartik thought first but when Naira said kairav's name again he understood that she really was here.

He quickly left his room and once he came near the stairs he saw her standing in the living room.

"Naira?"Kartik said and Naira looked at him.

"Is Kairav here?"Naira asked avoiding eye contact with him

"No he went out to a party with papa and everyone. He wanted to go as Vansh was going too so i allowed him to go!"Kartik said

"I just came to see him...okay since he is not here I will go...!"Naira said still not looking at him and turned around to leave. As she was about to leave Kartik quickly ran down the stairs and towards her.

He came and blocked her way stopping Naira. Naira tried to go out but Kartik didn't let her.

"Kartik please get out of my way..I need to go...!"Naira said looking down and tried to go but she couldn't.

"You came to meet Kairav right? Then wait for some time. Everyone will be back in sometime and then you can meet Kairav too!"Kartik said standing super close to Naira.

"It's okay. I will come back later...I will meet him tomorrow. I will leave go!"Naira said and was about to leave but Kartik held her wrist and pulled her back to spot where she stood earlier.

"I can understand you are trying to run away from me! Listen to me...!"Kartik started to speak but Naira spoke stopping him.

"It's nothing like that. I just need to go. Bhai and everyone will get worried as it is getting late...!"Naira said until Kartik placed his finger on her lips stopping her from talking.

"Shh stay silent for a minute! You always talk talk talk!"Kartik said. He slowly moved his finger away from her lips and caressed her lower lip with him thumb.

Naira gathered up the courage and stopped him from doing that.

"Stop it. Just please leave alone!"Naira said

"Leave you alone? What did I do huh?"Kartik asked and walked towards her and Naira walked backwards away from him until her back touched to the sofa.

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