chapter 15 : the first kiss

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Flashback Continues

"Last night after Kartik came home from your house he and papa got into a fight. So last night in anger he left the house...!"Kirti said shocking Naira.

"What do you mean by fight? Is it something serious?"Naira asked

"Come with me..!"Kirti said. She and Naira went to kirti's room and Kirti locked the door.

"Kartik doesn't like our papa and Maa..!"Kirti said. Naira was about to say something but she stopped when she remembered how Kartik reacted when his Manish called Kartik the day Kirti and Naksh's alliance got fixed.

"Why? I mean is there any reason?"Naira asked

"Maa isn't mine and kartik's mother. Papa married her after our mother died so Kartik hates last night Kartik initiated the fight...!"Kirti said

Flashback last night

Kartik and Mansi came home. Manish was working on the arrangements along with akhilesh.

"I can't believe my daughter is getting married akhil. I just wish she will have a happy life!"Manish said with a smile.

"well just pray she doesn't end up like my mother!"Kartik said

"What was that?"Manish asked in shock

"I said just pray she doesn't end up like my mother!"Kartik said raising his voice a bit.

"I can understand why you hate me but this is off topic Kartik!"Manish said

"Off topic? Oh really?do you think I care? So how about this huh? You and your so called wife can stay away from me and my sister! We know how to take care of ourselves!"Kartik said in anger which got Manish angry too and he ended up slapping Kartik.

"You do realize you live under my roof!i gave you all of this!"Manish shouted in anger

"Well I don't need it anymore. I have been waiting since years for this day to come and it came. I am so done with you and your wife's drama!"Kartik said and stormed out of the house.

End of flashback

"So do you have any idea where he might be?"Naira asked

"Yeah I do. But I don't think it's the best if we go meet him right now. Kartik will still be angry!"Kirti said.

"Give me the address and leave the rest to me. I will talk to him!"Naira said

"But Naira..he could hurt you when he is angry. He just doesn't think straight when he is angry. He will make a mistake and later he will regret it!"Kirti said

"I don't think he will do anything to hurt me. Even if he did I am willing to take the chances cause I can't just leave my friend like this!"Naira said. Kirti finally agreed and gave address of kartik's apartment where he usually stays some times.

After sometime Naira arrived at the address which Kirti gave. She went up to his flat and knocked on the door. Just then veer opened the door.

"Naira,what are you doing here?"he asked in shock

"I came to meet he here?"Naira asked

"Yeah sure. Come on in. He's here!"veer said and allowed Naira to come in.

"He's in the room. He will be out in a second. I am going to go get some breakfast. I will be back in some time!"veer said. Naira nodded and then he left.

Naira looked around the living room and saw the mess Kartik has made in here. Naira picked up the photo frame which was lying on the floor. Naira saw a picture of a women and a little boy.

"That was me and my mother!"Naira turned around when he heard his voice. Kartik stood behind her and took the frame from her hand.

"How come you are here?"he asked

"Kirti Bhabi told me what happened. So I came to check on you...!"Naira said

"Why would you do that?"he asked walking towards the sofa and sat on it.

"Because you are my friend and I care for you!"Naira said standing infront of him.

"Well thank you for the concern but I think you should leave now. I am fine. I just need to be alone!"he said

"I don't you are fine so stop pretending like you don't need anyone okay?"Naira shot

"Well I am okay with pretending then?Just leave Naira before I lose it. I don't want to end up shouting at you. Trust me I will regret that. Please don't take this that far and kindly leave!"he said in anger

"Fine. Nothing will change if you keep having that attitude. Me coming here is waste of my time. Do whatever you want!"Naira said in anger and was about to leave. She went towards the door and when she was about to open the door Kartik held her wrist.

"I am sorry Naira..I should have not spoken to you like that..I really am sorry!"he said making her to face him and his calm voice melted her anger within seconds.

"It is okay..I didn't mind..!"she said and looked down.

"Look at me..!"he said and she looked at him.

"I am sorry once again. I didn't mean to hurt Naira..I can never ever hurt you..!"he said slowly pulling her close to him.

"Why can you never hurt me?"she managed to ask after she found it very hard to speak because of their closeness.

"Because I deeply care for you Naira..I always have and I always will..!"he confessed making Naira go numb. She wasn't sure if she heard it right. Kartik placed his palm on her cheek and caressed it.

They gazed into each other's eyes for a long time. Both of them were like opposite poles of a magnet. Whenever they tried to get away from each other it only brought them more close.

Kartik leaned Closed to her. Naira's heart started to beat so fastly and before she could even react he closed the gap between them placing his lips on hers.

It was a passionate kiss which lasted for it a long time. It was their first kiss and it was magical. It was filled with only love. It made them believe that they were really meant for each other.


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