chapter 39 : will you marry me?

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Kartik took a shower and came out after getting dressed. When he came he saw Naira sitting on his bed.

He thought everything was okay and went to charge his phone. When he came towards the nightstand to pick his phone up Kartik heard Naira crying.

"What happened to you? Why are you crying?"He asked getting worried.

"Naira look at me!"Kartik said kneeling down infront of her. But Naira didn't look at him.

"If you love me look at me right now!"Kartik said firmly. Naira looked at him and Kartik felt very bad seeing her cry like this.

"Why are you crying? Did something happen or did someone say something to you? Please stop crying Naira. You know I can't see you like this..!"Kartik said wiping her tears.

"Now tell me the reason. What happened? You were okay till earlier but what happened suddenly?"Kartik questioned.

"This all happened because of me!"Naira said confusing Kartik

"Happened because of you? What happened because of you?"Kartik asked in confusion

"I got you so worried from last so many days and your health is getting affected. It is because of me and my foolishness only!"Naira said and Kartik sighed

"Hey Bhagvan! Naira what's wrong with you? I told you there is nothing wrong with me. I am totally fine and none of this happened because of you okay? So stop blaming yourself!"Kartik said.

"Kartik but..!"Naira started but was stopped by Kartik when he cupped her cheeks.

"Naira listen to me, whatever happened in the past it was not your fault so stop thinking about it. We have an amazing future ahead and we will face it together. Whenever you say sorry it is hurting me so please don't say that again. If you love me please don't!"Kartik said.

"Haa fine...!"Naira said cutely wiping her tears.

"Acha come on, let's go downstairs!"Kartik said holding her hand. Naira nodded and they went down together.

After spending some time with Kartik and his family Naira decided to leave.

"Stay for sometime naa!"Kartik asked as they came to out of the house. Naira faced him leaning to her car.

"I have some urgent work to do. So I have to go"Naira replied with a smile.

"Acha so what work do you have which is more important than me huh?"Kartik asked

" is regarding kairav's school admission and all...!"Naira lied.

"I am sorry Kartik but I can't tell you what it is yet!"Naira said to herself

"Oh god I totally forgot about that. Do you want me to talk to the principal?"Kartik asked

"No it's okay I got it all covered. I will take care of this!"Naira said.

"Okay fine then. I will see you later!"Kartik said with a smile. Naira nodded and kissed on his cheek.

"What was that for?"Kartik asked

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