chapter 19 : moments of love

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Flashback Continues

"Kartik?What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to leave tomorrow?"Naira asked in confusion.

"Well I was supposed too but everyone understood I was miserable without you so they decided to let me leave so I left yesterday and I made it in time!"Kartik said with a smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day!"Naira said hugging him with a smile.Naira allowed him in and Kartik came in.

"This is literally the best place for me to celebrate this special day with you jaan. It's our second Valentine's Day!"Kartik said with a smile.

"I know right. I am super happy that we made it this far!"Naira said with a smile.

"Did you go into the room?"Kartik asked confusing Naira

"What about the room?"Naira asked in confusion.

"Go ahead jaan!"Kartik said. Naira then went towards the room and opened the door. She gasped when she saw the room decorated.

"How did you do this?"she asked

"Well I have my ways. Just because I wasn't in India doesn't mean I wouldn't do something special to you. Kirti helped me with this. She got this all ready!"Kartik said with a smile.

Kartik held naira's hand and took her towards the bed. He made her sit on the bed and he went out the room.

Kartik went into the kitchen and took the cake out from the fridge where Kirti said she placed earlier.

He took it and went into the room. He placed it infront of Naira.

"Wow you made all the preparations didn't you?"Naira asked with a smile

"Well I have to make it special for my sherni!"he said with a smile.

Naira smiled when she saw happy Valentine's Day K + N written on the cake.

"Bhabi did a great job didn't she?"Naira asked with a smile holding his hand.

"I hate to admit it but yeah she really did. I am happy that my sister did this without making any mistake!"Kartik said which made Naira smile.

"God I missed you so much Naira. Your beautiful smile and everything!"he said caressing her cheek.

"You have no clue how much I missed you as well. One week without you seemed beyond hell to me! Never leave me ever again!"Naira said which made Kartik to smile

"Actually thinking about it,I was hoping to ask you something!"he said

"What is it?"Naira asked with a smile. Naira was stunned when Kartik went on his knee and took out a ring.

"Naira,I love you so so so much. I can't express how much I love you and how much you mean to month our college will end and we will graduate. I won't stop you from doing whatever you want to do in the future after graduation but whatever you do just marry me..and then go ahead!"Kartik confessed

"Will you marry me?"he asked while Naira bursted into tears of joy.

"Mendak,do you even need to ask me? Yes! The answer is always a yes! I love you so much!!"Naira said with a smile hugging him tightly. Kartik was extremely happy. After breaking the hug he slid the finger down her ring finger and Naira kissed him in happiness and both of them ended up getting intimate. It was their first time and yet they made it special.

Next day Kartik woke up and smiled brightly when he saw his angel sleeping next to him peacefully. He kissed on the tip of the nose which made her to wake up.

"Good morning!"she said kissing on his cheek.

"Good morning!"he said with a smile kissing on her cheek.

"How did my baby sleep?"Kartik asked while Naira hugged him

"Very happily...!"she replied and he kissed on her forehead.


The next one month went fastly as their exams went. Their graduation was one week away and in the mean time the Singhania's and the Goenka's started preparing for Kartik and naira's wedding.

Their wedding was on the day after their graduation ceremony. Kartik and naira's engagement and Sangeet ended on a happy note.

It was their mehendi ceremony tonight and Naira visited the Goenka villa. She went to meet with Suvarna and Dadi. After completing her work she sat in the living room with luv kush.

In the past few days she has been feeling different and Naira had no clue why she was feeling this way.

"Luv kush..I want to eat some chocolates or ice cream..can you please get me something?"Naira asked

"Haa Bhabi sure. We will go get you some ice cream!"luv kush said and went to the kitchen. They brought the ice cream in a bowl for Naira and themselves. Naira felt so relieved as she ate it.

"Acha by the way,where is your Bhai? Where did he go?"Naira asked

"He went out to get something for the mehendi function. He will be back in sometime!"luv said and just then Kartik came.

"Naira?when did you come? You didn't inform me you were coming. If you did I would have stayed back naa?"Kartik said coming sitting next to her.

But Naira was too busy eating the ice cream and she ignored Kartik which pissed him off. He grabbed the bowl of ice cream and pulled it away from her.

"Give it too mee!!"Naira whined

"You seem to give all your attention to the ice cream instead of your fiancée!"Kartik shot. Naira slapped on his hand and took the ice cream bowl again from him

"God what is wrong with you? I have noticed you. You have been eating so much of sweets lately. It's like you are craving for them!"Kartik said which made Naira to stop on her tracks.

"Craving?Oh god! This only happens when you sure...!"Naira thought.

Without thinking anything else Naira left the house leaving Kartik confused

"What happened to her?Damm she is acting weird since the last few days!"Kartik thought

To make sure if her doubt was real Naira decided to go to the hospital. After getting the pregnancy test done she waited in the doctor's office as the doctor went over her reports.

"Well Naira,congrats. You are pregnant!"the doctor said which made Naira so happy.

"Oh my and Kartik are going to become parents...!"Naira thought happily. The doctor handed Naira the sonography report.

Naira left the hospital and sat in her car looking at the small dot in her sonography report.

"I should tell this to Kartik..but it has to be I will surprise him and tell this to him the night of our graduation day!"Naira said to herself with a smile.


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