chapter 13 : kaira's friendship

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Flashback Continues

Next day Naira normally came to college. She was about to go into her class but was stopped by rishabh.

"Naira"he said holding her hand.His touch irked Naira and she pulled it out of his grip.

"Naira,please listen to me...!"he tried to speak but Naira stopped him

"Listen to you huh? How can even dare to show me your face after what you tried to do to me last night!You should be happy I didn't file any case against you!"Naira said angrily

"Naira what happened..I can explain please!"he said

"I can't trust you or believe you anymore! You are not the same rishabh who I knew anymore. You promised me you would never ever drink but you did and you tried to force yourself onto me! I feel ashamed for being friends with you!"Naira said

"I warning you the first and last time rishabh!Stay away from me or else you will regret it!"Naira warned.

"I understand now that Kartik is the hero to you because he saved you and I am the villain. But Naira you have to trust me,he is not a good guy!"he said

"Oh just shut up okay? I understood very well who is good and who is bad. You don't need to explain it to me. Kartik is definitely not you!So here is my advice!Stay away from me and him as well!"Naira said.

"You heard her! The women made it clear. So it's the best if you stay away from her from now on!"Kartik said coming in between them.

"Well Naira doesn't know you well. Once she learns what sort of person you are she will realize her mistake!"rishabh said

"I don't need to because I trust Kartik!"Naira confessed making kartik's heart skip a beat.

"Naira,mark my words! This guy is no good and trust me you will know that too! Once when you do you will remember my words!"Rishabh said and left. Before leaving he glared at Kartik and left.

"Are you okay?"Kartik asked looking at Naira and she nodded with a smile.

"So shall we go to the class?"he asked. Then both of them went to the call. The sat next to each other and spent some time together.

In the evening Naira spent her Time rehearsing while Kartik stood some distance away from her and watched her dance. After finishing Naira was packing her stuff and Kartik walked towards her.

"Hey!"he said

"Hii!"she replied with a smile.

"Wow you are an amazing dancer! Honestly the best dancer I have ever since!"he complimented

"Aww thanks!"Naira said with a bright smile.

"Hey do you want to go get some coffee?"he asked

"Yeah sure!"she replied and then both of them went to the cafe together.

"So do you have any siblings?"Kartik asked as they sat at a table

"Yeah I have a older brother. What about you?"she asked

"Same but older sister!"he replied.

They spent some time talking about their hobbies,their likes,their dislikes and all. Rishabh who saw them smiling happily fumed in anger.

"Kartik will pay for what he has done. I won't let him get away with this!"he said and left with his friends.

"Kartik,you papa called!"veer said giving Kartik his phone. Kartik's expression changed and Naira didn't fail to notice this.

"He is even calling you now!"Kartik shot and took the phone from him

"What happened?"Kartik asked in disinterest.

"Why weren't you answering you phone huh?"Manish asked

"Tell me the reason why you called!"Kartik said firmly

"You need to come home now. Kirti has got a marriage alliance. The groom's family will be visiting tonight so come home now!"Manish said and ended the call.

"What happened?"veer asked

"Family function!"Kartik said

"I would have made up some story and stayed back but it's related to my sister. I can't say no!"Kartik said

"You should go!"Naira said with a smile.

"I will see you tomorrow then. Bye!"Kartik said.

"Bye!"Naira replied. Then Kartik and veer left and Kartik went straight home.

Naira too went home. She saw her family members running here and there and arranging some stuff.

"What happened mama?What is going on here?"Naira asked akshara

"Naira now I can't explain. But just go and get ready. I kept your dress ready. Go and I will explain on the way!"she said and went off.

Naira went to her room and got ready. She got ready and came downstairs.

"Ayy haaye betiya..look how beautiful you look!"rajshri said while Naira smiled.

"Everyone is ready naa? Now let's go! Wait..where is Naksh?"Naitik asked and Naksh too just came down

"Does someone want to tell me what's going on here at least now?"Naira asked

"Naksh has gotten an alliance. We are going to their house now. So let's go!"Naitik said and Naira was extremely happy.

"oh my god!! Bhai congrats!"Naira said hugging him

"Oii hello,we are just going to meet them!"Naksh shot

"Don't worry it will be fixed in few hours. Now let's go!!!"Naira said and left with her family members.

After sometime the Singhania's arrived at the Goenka villa. The Goenka's were standing near the gate to welcome the Singhania's while Kartik was inside his room still get ready.

Naira's phone rang as she got down the car. She sighed when she saw rishabh's name. She excused herself and stayed back to talk. After seeing her family members go in she answered it.

"What's your problem huh? Didn't I make myself clear? Stop bothering me for godsake!"Naira shouted in anger

"Naira please let me explain..!"he tried to say but Naira ended the call and switched off her phone and then walked towards inside.

Just then Kartik came down and saw the groom's family.

"Wow,you're future husband looks handsome!"Kartik whispered to Kirti who blushed at his compliment.

"Wow look who's blushing!"he joked teasingly. Kirti slapped on his shoulder and went off when Dadi called her.

Just then kartik's eyes fell on the entrance when he saw his angel walk inside.

"Haaye! How beautiful she looks but wait..Am I dreaming or what? I have been seeing Naira everywhere lately!"Kartik said to himself.


Hey guys!

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. ❤️a

Also sorry for the delay and slow updates of this book. Now on will try to update it more!

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