chapter 4 : kairav calls kartik

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A week went by and today was Friday. Next two days are holidays as they were Saturday and Sunday.

I was packing my bag to go home. Mama must be waiting for me outside.

I was about to go but stopped when Sana,my classmate called me.

"Why are you in hurry Kairav?!"she asked me

"My mama must be outside. She is waiting for me!"I said.

"Where is you're father? Don't you have him? You're mama is the only one who comes to pick you always!"she said and I didn't say anything.


I walked out of the school and saw mama waiting for me with a smile.

"Hey baby!!"she said and hugged me while I remained silent.

"Kairav? Baby? What's wrong?!"she asked looking at me.

"Mama,where is papa? Why doesn't he come and stay with us?!"I asked

"Baby I told you naa..papa is on a mission...!"she said picking me up.

"Don't he love us mama?!"I asked

"Why do you think like that baby? It's nothing like're papa loves you so so so much..he loves us both so much!"she said


Next day was Saturday while I walked to Lisa the pizza's house.

I walked to her house but it was locked.

"Uff ohh this Liza the pizza is never home when I need her to most!"I said making my hand touch my face.

I walked back home and looked for mama.

"Kairav you are here?!"mama asked coming out the kitchen.

"Haan mama..."I said.

"Acha fine Kairav here I made you some snacks! Eat them. I will go take a shower and come okay?!"she said.

"I don't want these snacks.i want the kachori's you make mama!!"I said

"Alright have these first. I will make them too okay? I will go take shower and come. In the mean time don't go anywhere okay?"she said and I nodded.


When mama went into the bathroom I picked up her phone and I opened it.

I opened her contacts and looked.

"Uff oh mama doesn't have any ones numbers except five...!"I said looking at them

But one contact was different. It had mendak

"Mendak...!"I said

I wrote the number down and left home.


"Uncle can I borrow your phone?!"I asked when I saw Lisa the pizza still didn't come home.

"No son. I left it home!"he said and left.

"Uff oh how will I call papa noww??"I sighed.

I walked to the church to see father standing outside.

"Father..!"I ran to him.

"Kairav? What are you doing here?that too alone?"he asked me

"Father can I use your phone?!"I asked him

"Sure beta. Come on in..!"he said taking me inside the church.

He handed me his phone. He made me sit on the bench and went to pray.

I opened the piece of paper I had in my hand and called it.

"Hello?!"I heard his voice.

"Papa?"I called out


I got down the car and walked towards the cliff.

This was the same place where she did.

Where my Naira died.

"You lied to lied to me Naira...!"I cried.

"You promised me you will stay with me forever!" I said

"You promised you will never leave me. But why Naira why? Why did you do this?!"I shouted

"I know I did a mistake. But I loved you. I loved you so much. I still do. In fact a lot. All I asked was a chance. A chance for me to explain. I admit I did a mistake but this punishment this so hard Naira...I can't go another second with out's really killing me...!"I cried more.

"Naira!"I shouted on the top of my lungs.

"Please come back to me!"I cried falling on my knees.

Soon my phone rang making my thoughts to be shook aside.

I decided to ignore it but still answered it if there was any emergency.

But it was from an unknown number.

"Hello?!"I said answering it.

"Papa??"I heard a voice shocking me to core.



Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the chap.

Like I said I will add some scenes from the serial but the plot will be different :)

If you liked the chap do vote,Comment and share!

And does anyone know when yrkkh will return? Oh god I miss Kaira so muchhhh😭it is gonna be 3 months soon!!

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