chapter 11 : kaira's first talk

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Flashback continues

Kartik bumped into none other than Naira. This was the first time he was seeing her this close and she was already making him feel so many things.

"Um..excuse me..hello?"Naira said breaking his chain of thoughts bringing Kartik back to the reality.

"Oh I am sorry...!"Kartik said helping Naira to stand.

"You are Naira right?"Kartik asked which made Naira to look at him

"Yeah..!"she replied

"I am Kartik. Kartik Goenka!"Kartik said introducing himself and extending his hand for a hand shake.

"Naira. Naira Singhania!"Naira replied and shaking her hands with his.

"It's nice to meet you!"Kartik said with a smile.

"You too. But now I have to go!"Naira said

"Sure. I will see you around. Bye!"Kartik said with a smile. Naira smiled and left. Kartik then noticed a key chain lying on the floor. He picked up to see a key chain with the name Naira on it.

"Are serious?why are you after Naira?"veer asked. Kartik hid the key chain in his pocket and looked at him.

"What's wrong with me talking to her?"Kartik asked

"She is rishabh's girlfriend!Rishabh hates you! He won't be happy if he finds his girlfriend talking to you!"veer said

"I don't care what rishabh thinks okay?he doesn't scare me. And he won't control mine or naira's life. I will talk to her and she will also talk to me!"Kartik said and left.

After naira's dance practice ended she along with her friend sat on the bleachers and were chatting. Just then rishabh walked in.

"Naira what is all this?"he asked her angrily confusing Naira

"What do you mean?what are you talking about rishabh?"Naira asked

"What the hell is going on between you and that Kartik Goenka?"rishabh asked

"Have you lost your mind?why are you asking me these stupid questions?"Naira asked in anger standing up.

"Then would you care to explain me this?"rishabh asked showing Naira some pictures which were pictures of her and kartik's from earlier. One of them holding onto each other and the other was their handshake one and the other was them talking.

"Do you want to explain me what's going on here?"rishabh asked

"Nothing is going on okay?We bumped into each other and he caught me from falling down and we just talked normally. That's it rishabh!There is nothing else!"Naira said firmly.

"Rishabh I never expected this from you. You have known me from childhood. Is this what you do?"Naira asked

"Naira..i am really sorry..I just got very mad when I saw your pictures with that Kartik Goenka. I hate that guy so much!Trust me he is not a good guy. He and I hate each other so much. You just have to be careful from him!"rishabh said

"Rishabh if you hate him that's none of my business. But you don't get to choose who I should be friends with or not. You don't control my life. Keep that in your mind!"Naira said firmly and grabbed her bag to leave

"Naira I am your boyfriend!"rishabh said

"You are but it does not give you the right to control my life or interfere in it so don't do this again rishabh!it is for you best only!"Naira said and left.

In the night Kartik laid on his bed and was looking continuously as naira's key chain. For some reason thinking about Naira was bringing a bright smile onto his face.

Next night was the college party. It was planned at a resort. The backyard was completely filled with students enjoying. Naira came along with her friend Tanvi. Kartik was the first one who noticed Naira when she walked him. He smiled when he saw her. Naira's eye's also fell on Kartik. For some unknown reason she smiled at him too. He waved at her and she waved back.

Just his happiness was shorten when rishabh came towards Naira giving her a side hug. Rishabh grabbed her hand and pulled her with him. Kartik noticed them sitting some distance away from him and he couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw rishabh sitting that close to naira.

"Rishabh..I will go get something to drink for myself. I will be back!"Naira said. Rishabh nodded with a smile drinking his drink. Naira then stood up and went towards the cooldrink bar.

As she waited there Kartik noticed her. He smiled and went towards her.

"So are you enjoying well?"Kartik asked

"I am not really that into parties. Rishabh insisted me to come...otherwise I wouldn't even came here!"Naira said

"So how long have you and rishabh have been seeing each other?"Kartik asked

"A while!"Naira said looking down

"You don't love him do you?"Kartik asked noticing her expression.

"I do..I mean I do..but I guess not in that way. I have known rishabh since childhood and he's been my best friend..i just didn't want to break his heart...!"Naira said and she honestly had no clue why she was sharing all of this to Kartik. She wanted to stop herself from revealing more further but she couldn't for some reason.

"So you are faking it for his happiness?"Kartik asked

"I wouldn't say faking but I just don't have the courage to tell him all this!"Naira said getting her drink.

"Well I would advice you to tell him because if he learns the truth by someone else trust me that would be very bad!"Kartik said.

"Yeah I know..I gotta go. I will see you later!"Naira said with a smile.

"Bye!"Kartik said. Naira then left and Kartik went back to his friends.


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