chapter 2 : kartik's misery

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"Vansh!" I shouted running out of my room.

"Hey big bro!"my Samarth Chachu and Gayu's son Vansh came out of his room ready in his uniform.

"Wow you are ready for you're first day right? Come on let's go!!"I said excitedly

"But big bro. I don't want to go!" He pouted and I picked him up.

"It's okay Vansh. Even I was like this on my first day. But you will make so so so many friends and you will love it! Now let's go!!"I said as I took him downstairs.

My family members all gathered in the living room with smiles on their face.

"Oh god,Kittu you are the one who is spoiling Vansh!"my dadi said.

"Let me spoil him Dadi. He's a kid!"I said

"I also agree with you Kartik beta! Kids should be spoiled and that is when their youth days will also be amazing like us!"said my father Manish.

"Manish aren't in you're youth days anymore!"my mother swarna said making us all laugh and my dad to sulk.

"Okay okay fight as you guys want! I am going to go drop Vansh at school and come!"I said

"Hey Kartik atleast wait for us!"said Samarth Chachu who walked down along with his wife Gayu.

Whenever I look at Gayu I can't help but think of her.


Gayu and Naira are cousin sisters.

It's been five years. Five years since Naira died.

Five years since my Naira died.

My thoughts were shaken when Vansh called me

"Big bro. Let's go?!"Vansh asked

"Yes yes! Let's go!"I said. As we were about to leave my sister kirti came with her husband naksh, naira's older brother.

"Radhe Krishn!"Greeted my family.

"Radhe Krishn...!"kirti and naksh replied.

"Naksh you are taking very good care of her right?!"my dad asked with a smile.

"Of course papa!"naksh replied

Kirti was 3 months pregnant.

"He's so irritating papa. He doesn't let me eat any sweets..!"kirti complained making us laugh.

"Arey madam its for you're own safety only!"naksh replied.

Soon Naksh's eyes fell on something behind us. I followed his gaze and saw her photograph.

It was naira's photo on the wall. A tear fell down Naksh's eyes. He quickly wiped it away.

I walked to him and hugged him.

"Kartik? What's wrong?!"he asked me

"I miss her too naksh...!"I replied while my whole family went quiet.

Naksh patted my back and we pulled.

"Kittu..!"my dadi spoke

"Take Vansh to school. Samarth and Gayu you also go. Vansh shouldn't be late on his first day!" Dadi said.

"Dadi one second where is vedika didi?!"asked Vansh

"I am here!"we heard vedika and we turned to her. She walked down the stairs with a smile.

Vedika was one of our closet friends daughter.she only had her father. When he died I promised to look after her and ever since then she was living with our family. she's a good friend to me.

"Happy first day Vansh! I made you you're favorite snacks. Here take them!"vedika said giving Vansh a hug and placing the box in his lunch bag.

"Thanks vedika didi!!"Vansh said with a huge smile.

"Kittu go now!"Dadi said.

We three agreed and took Vansh to school.


After Vansh went off to school me,Chachu and Gayu came back home.

I was about to enter the house but stopped when I heard my dadi speak

"But Manish you need to speak to him naa..!"Dadi said

"How will I tell him maa? You can he will definitely reject this!"my dad said.

What were they talking about?

"Manish beta we know what our Kittu has went through and still is going Through since naira's death...he needs to move on..and I think vedika can help him move on...if Kittu marries vedika he will be our old Kittu...!"said Dadi making me shocked

"Kartik...!"Gayu and Samarth Chachu said looking at me. I was feeling angry but I wasn't going to show that.

I went inside and my dadi was shocked to see me.

"Dadi we have discussed about this matter many times and my answer will always be a no. I will never marry vedika. The only person I love is Naira and I will love till I die!"I said angrily.

"Kittu! Stop talking nonsense! Naira will never come back. She's gone. Why are you making yourself go through such heartbreak? You can move on!"she said

"Nahi Dadi! I won't move on. My heart will always be with Naira even if she's in my life or not. I will always love her even if she's alive or not alive. Naira is the love of my life and always will be! I can't love any girl other than her not even vedika!" I said angrily and stormed upstairs to my room.

I stuck the door of my room hard and opened my closet. I took a pile of pictures of me and Naira. As I went through thousands of memories flood inside my brain which made me fall on my knees which lead for a breakdown.

"Why did you leave me Naira? All I asked you for you to give me a chance to explain but you didn't! Why Naira why? If I stopped you somehow that day atleast you would have been alive. This is completely because of me! Only me!"I said as I cried.

"This Mendak is forever yours. I belong to you only my sherni. No one can ever take me away from you or no one can ever take you away from me. I know you left me but my love for you can never be taken or given to someone else..I love you Naira...!"I said


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