chapter 35 : kartik has a plan?

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Next day in the Singhania sadan everyone was busy making preparations.

"Naira come on let's go for shopping!"Naksh said

"Bhai I don't feel like going. You guys go. You can buy me anything of your choice!"Naira said

"Naira how can we leave you alone and go?"Naitik asked

"Papa it's okay. You all go. I will stay back and will be with Naira. You all don't worry!"Kirti said

"Fine both of you take care! We will be back as soon as we can!"Naksh said. Kirti nodded and then everyone left.

"Naira you go and get some rest. Call me if you need anything okay?"Kirti said and Naira nodded and went to her room.

After Naira went to her room Kirti took her phone out and called Kartik.

"No one is at home except me and Naira. I am sure they won't return for another two or three hours!"Kirti said

"Thank you so much Kirti. I don't know how to thank you!"Kartik said

"Shut up. I am your sister. You don't need to thank me. Naksh is being very foolish right now and what he is doing is not right. Anyways don't waste anymore time and come here soon!"Kirti said

"I will be there in 5 minutes. I am near your house! I was waiting here so no one will see me!"Kartik said

"Okay fine. But what's the plan? What will you do?"Kirti asked

"Don't worry I will take care of it from here. But there is one small thing and I will explain it to you once I reach there!"Kartik said

"Haa okay then. Bye!"Kirti said and ended the call.

Naira was sitting in her room as was going through her and kartik's photo's. Just then the power went off.

"Why did the power go off now?"Naira thought and went towards the window.

"It must be because of the rain...!"Naira thought as started to rain outside.

"Bhabi?"Naira called out as she went downstairs but she got no reply.

"Where is Kirti Bhabi? Maybe she's in the washroom..!"Naira thought and went towards the Window. She stood there and watched as it rained. Watching the rain brought her so many memories. She placed her hand on the window and was lost in her thoughts

After few seconds she left someone place their hand on her hand. Naira turned aside and saw Kartik who hugged her tightly and kissed on her cheek and Naira closed her eyes.

"Kartik..what are you doing here..please leave..!"Naira said still closing her eyes.

"Why should I go? What you are doing is a mistake and I won't let you do this! You love me and I know that so stop doing this all!"Kartik said

"Kartik please...!"Naira said

"You love me right?"Kartik asked slowly

"No...!"Naira lied

"Look at me and tell me that!"he said.

"Open your eyes Naira. And tell me you don't love me and that you hate me and then I will believe it!"Kartik said.

"Kartik..I...!"Naira said opening her eyes and turned to see him but he was not there.

"What...? Was I dreaming or what? Kartik is not here...!"Naira said to herself and looked around but Kartik was not there.

"Maybe I was dreaming...!"Naira thought and went into the kitchen to drink some water. But soon she felt someone's presence behind her.

"You once promised me..that you will never leave me. But what happened now? You are planning to leave me forever!"Kartik said and Naira closed her eyes to control her tears.

"Why are you doing all of his Naira huh? Just few days back I confessed everything to you. I told you that I still love you so much. Even after you pretend to be dead and after I found out I didn't hate you. And my love for you grew more. Why are you not understanding this all? Do you loving breaking my heart like this?"Kartik asked

"Kartik I didn't mean any of this to happen..I am sorry...!"Naira said and turned around but Kartik was not there.

"Hey Bhagvan..what's wrong with me? Is this also a dream? Is Kartik really not here?"Naira thought and then turned around. But when she felt someone's presence behind her again she turned around.

"Kartik!"she said as soon as she turned but it was not Kartik.

"Naira? What happened? And why did you say Kartik?"Kirti asked

"Bhabi,I think Kartik is here...!"Naira said

"Naira what are you saying? Kartik is not here. I just spoke to Maa and Kartik is there only. Maa even made me talk to him!"Kirti said

"Bhabi but...!"Naira said trying to speak but she couldn't because she herself was confused if it was real or a dream.

"Naira I think you should get some rest. Come with me..!"Kirti said holding naira's hand and then both of them went towards the stairs.

That was when Kartik came out from behind the pillar and saw them going upstairs. Kirti looked at Kartik and Kartik gave her a nod.

After Naira lied down on the bed Kirti left the room and came downstairs.

"What will you do now?"Kirti said.

"Her engagement is there naa. I will do something don't worry!"Kartik said

"Kartik don't relax now. Wedding is only few days away!"Kirti said

"I know and I won't relax but I know Naira well. She wouldn't do this. But before that I will stop this wedding!" Kartik said firmly

"Just be careful. If Naksh finds out about this he won't tolerate!"Kriti said

"Naksh won't take my Naira way from me. I will fight anyone. Be it Naksh or anyone! Naira is only mine and even she needs to understand her foolishness!"Kartik said

"I hope everything will be fine soon...!"Kirti said

"It will be. I will leave now before anyone see's me. It will be a problem if someone does!"Kartik said. Kirti nodded and then Kartik left.


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