chapter 8 : kartik and kairav meet

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Next day Naira was helping Kairav get ready. Kairav was thinking on how to call his papa again while another idea took place.

He found the piece of paper in which he wrote the number and kept it safely in his bag and then left to school.

During his lunch break he walked to the old security guy and stood infront of him.

"Uncle..!"he said and the security guard looked at him

"Can I please have your phone once? I want to make a phone call!"he said

The security guy nodded and gave him the phone. Kairav typed the number and dialed it.

Kartik was in a meeting as his phone rang. He noticed someone was calling him but he ignored because the meeting was going.

Kairav tried for one last time but Kartik was not Picking up.

"Thank you uncle..!"Kairav said giving the security guard his phone sadly.

He turned around and walked in slowly.

Kartik's meeting ended and he saw some missed calls from an Unknown number. Kartik went out and called the number.

"Hey beta! Someone is calling. I think it's for you!"the security guard shouted making Kairav excited.

Kairav ran to him and took the call and answered it.

"Hello?"Kartik said

"Papa!!"Kairav exclaimed happily but for some reason it brought a smile onto kartik's face.

"Beta...?"Kartik said slowly with a small smile

"Papa I'm so sorry that I didn't call you again that day. Are you angry at me because of that?"Kairav asked cutely

"No beta..I am not angry at are you?"Kartik asked

"I am great now that I am talking to you papa...!"Kairav said making Kartik chuckle

"Papa where are you now?"kairav asked

"I am in Goa..!"Kartik said

"Papa this is not fair!"Kairav exclaimed

"What is beta?"Kartik asked

"You came to Goa and you didn't come to meet me and mama!"Kairav said

"I'm sorry but I will meet you today. Tell me where shall I come?"Kartik asked

Kairav told Kartik to come a park which was near his school

"Okay then I will see you there...!"Kartik said and ended the call.

Kairav ran inside as his school bell rang

"Wait...but how will I recognize him..?"Kartik thought to himself and called again

"Hello?"he heard other voice

"Where is that boy who spoke to me now?"Kartik asked

"The school bell rang sir so he went inside...!"the security guard answered.

"Do you know his name?"Kartik asked

"I don't know his name sir but everyday his mother comes to school and takes him...!"the security guard said

"How does he look?"Kartik asked

"He's around four years old who has glasses...!"he said.

Kartik thanked him and ended the call.

In the evening once the school ended Kairav happily went to park and even Kartik came but they were at the different entrances.

Kairav stopped and waited for Kartik near the swings where he saw a duo of father and son playing happily.

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