chapter 9 : naira reunites with her parents

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Akshara and Naitik reached Goa first thing the next day. They took the first flight for Goa and came.

Naira sent akshara the address of her house. Naira didn't knew Naitik was also coming.

Akshara and Naitik were feeling very happy and on top they were so nervous to meet their daughter who everyone thought was dead.

They were angry at Naira for faking her death and not even coming to them but they were happy that she was still alive.

Meanwhile Kartik was wanting to meet Kairav so badly. He has this feeling which was more of like an urge to meet Kairav.

If only Kartik knew he was his own son. If only Kartik knew Kairav was his own blood.

Soon kartik's phone rang and he answered.

"Hello?"Kartik said.

"Papa!"Kairav exclaimed happily.

"Kairav? I was just thinking about you! How are you?"Kartik asked

"I am good papa. Even I am thinking about you...!"Kairav said making Kartik smile.

"Papa I am waiting for you outside my house. Will you come and meet me?"Kairav asked

"Haa beta I will..I will be there in 10 minutes!"Kartik said looking at his watch and ended the call.

Kartik has an meeting in one hour. He can leave later so he decided to go meet Kairav.

By 10 minutes Kartik arrived and saw Kairav standing at his houses back gate.

"Papa!!"Kairav exclaimed happily. He ran to Kartik and Kartik hugged him picking him up.

"How are you my Rabbit?"Kartik asked kissing on his cheek.

"Haa papa I am good!"Kairav said happily.

"What are you doing here?"Kartik asked

"Mama is busy so I came out...!"Kairav said.

At the same time Akshara and naitik's cab reached naira's house. They got down and paid the money.

Naitik and Akshara didn't notice Kartik as he was some distance away from them. Even Kartik didn't notice them as he was busy with Kairav.

"Are you ready for this?"akshara asked looking at Naitik and he nodded.

They walked inside and reached to the main door. They looked around and walked in. They didn't see anyone.


Akshara and Naitik turned around when they heard naira's cracking voice. Naira looked at them as she cried.

"Oh my this real Naitik..?"akshara asked looking at Naitik

Naira slowly walked to them and soon stood infront of them.

Naitik and Akshara still can't believe that they are seeing their daughter again.

Before they can say anything Naitik hugged Naira.

"Princess you really are alive...!"he cried.

"Haa papa...!"Naira said looking at him.

"Naira how are you...!"akshara asked hugging Naira

"Haa mama I am good. How are you? How have you all been?"Naira asked

"Every single day we miss you Naira..why did you do this? Why did you fake your own death...kyu Naira kyu?"akshara asked

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